Volcanoes and earthquakes


Flashcards on Volcanoes and earthquakes , created by rebeccaekeay on 26/01/2014.
Flashcards by rebeccaekeay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rebeccaekeay over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Volcanic Eruption in LEDC Chances Peak, Montserrat, 1995-97
Effects on Montserrat 19 people were killed. 11,000 people evacuated. Volcanic eruptions and lahars destroyed large areas of Montserrat. The capital, Plymouth covered in layers of ash and mud. Homes and buildings have been destroyed, including the only hospital, the airport and many roads. Pyroclastic flows.
Short-term responses to Montserrat Evacuation. Abandonment of the capital city. The British government gave money for compensation and redevelopment. Unemployment rose due to the collapse of the tourist industry.
Long-term responses to Monserrat An exclusion zone was set up in the volcanic region. A volcanic observatory was built to monitor the volcano. New roads and a new airport were built. Services in the north of the island were expanded. The presence of the volcano resulted in a growth in tourism.
Volcanic Eruption in MEDC Mount St Helens 1980
Effects on Washington Nuée ardente (hot ash and gas) destroyed forests and logging camps. 63 people were killed, mainly by poisonous gases. Lahars (mudflows of ash and water) covered an extensive area surrounding the volcano. Ash blocked rivers destroying popular fishing sites and causing flooding. This in turn destroyed crops and livestock. Flooding destroyed communications such as road and railway bridges. Sediment carried downstream ruined barge transport on the Columbia River.
Short-term responses to Mount St Helens Communications such as roads and bridges were repaired. People were rehoused.
Long-term responses to Mount St Helens Soil fertility improved due to the ash deposits. The volcano is now more carefully monitored. Tourism has increased, boosting the local economy.
Earthquake in LEDC Kashmir, Pakistan, 2005 Magnitude of 7.6
Effects of Earthquake Buildings collapsed. 79,000 people were killed. Landslides, and large cracks appeared in the ground. Broken sewerage pipes contaminated water supplies and spread disease. People died of cold during the harsh winter.
Short-term responses The army and emergency services arrived to join the rescue effort. Tents were given out by charities. Aid workers arrived from abroad to find survivors and treat the injured.
Long-term responses Schools and hospitals were rebuilt. Building regulations were improved to reduce damage and the death rate in future earthquakes.
Earthquake in MEDC Kobe, Japan, 1995 Magnitude of 7.4
Effects on Kobe 35000 people injured. Buildings and bridges collapsed even though they had an earthquake proof design. Buildings destroyed by fire when the gas mains fractured. 316000 people left homeless and refugees moved into temporary housing.
Short-term responses People were evacuated and emergency rations provided. Rescue teams searched for survivors for 10 days.
Long-term responses Many people moved away from the area permanently. Jobs were created in the construction industry as part of a rebuilding programme.
Resources http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/natural_hazards/earthquakes_rev5.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev7.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev6.shtml
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