Ancient Egypt


Flashcards on Ancient Egypt , created by Fatima Amin on 13/04/2016.
Fatima Amin
Flashcards by Fatima Amin, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Amin
Created by Fatima Amin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What's the climate of egypt? The Egyptian summer is hot and dry in most of the country, and humid in the Delta and along the Mediterranean Coast. In recent years the humidity has spread to Cairo, and the city swelters in August! Winter is mild with some rain, but usually it is bright, sunny days with cold nights.
What does oasis mean? A fertile spot in a desert, where water is found.
What does inundation mean? Inundation means flooding.
What was the rich delta area north of the point where the nile spilts into many channels called? Lower egypt.
How long did the ancient egypt civilisation last? It lasted up to 3000 years.
Which was the longest river in egypt and how long was it? The longest river in egypt was The Nile River and it was 6695 kilometers long.
What does Papyrus mean? A special type of reed that was made into writing paper.
How did the the Nile cause flood? In ancient times the snowmelt caused the nile to flood its banks when it arrived in Egypt.
What were the three areas of rich Black Land? •The narrow ribbon along the river •The mouth of the nile where it entered the sea and spreaded out into many channels over a wider area •Lake Fayum
What did Herodotus the Greek historian call Egypt? 'The gift of the Nile'
How did the earliest humans obtain their foods? They obtained their food by hunting birds and animals and gathering wild plants.
What replaced hunting and gathering? Gradually, over thousands of years, herding and farming replaced hunting and gathering as a way of life.
What does nomads mean? A member of a people that travels from place to place to find fresh pasture for its animals and has no permanent home.
When were the ancient egyptions able to start building a civilisation? When they had a reliable supply of food assured, the development of skills to store food, the settling down into fixed abodes and the cooperation between villages.
What were the main winter crops? The main winter crops were wheat and barley.
What does domesticate mean? Tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or on a farm.
What's ploughing? Turn up the earth of (an area of land) with a plough, especially before sowing.
When were oxen first used to pull ploughs? They were used to pull ploughs about 4500 years ago.
What does shaduf mean? Is an irrigation tool. A less common English translation is swap and it is also called a well pole, well sweep.
When did egyptions have to carry water in basins? When the water level was too low.
What are pharaohs? A ruler in ancient egypt.
How much was King Tut's gold funerary mask worth for? It was worth for 1000,000 at gold scrap prices, and an unlimited sum as a work of art.
What were the symbols of his power? •False beard •A shepherd's crook called a heka •A whip called nkhata •An apron called shemset •A crown
Who was Hatshepsut? Hatshepsut was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Hatshepsut came to the throne of Egypt in 1478 BC.She was a female pharaoh.
What does regent mean? A person appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is absent or incapacitated.
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