A2 Social Trends Key Words


Flashcards on A2 Social Trends Key Words , created by Victoria Bennett on 14/04/2016.
Victoria Bennett
Flashcards by Victoria Bennett, updated more than 1 year ago
Victoria Bennett
Created by Victoria Bennett over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Extended Families An extend family is a nuclear family that has been added to. E.g. the inclusion of grandparents, aunts and uncles families in the UK: are becoming more diverse due to a multi-cultural society
Nuclear Families The 'Ideal' family structure A family unit consisting of an adult Male & Female & their offspring; children
Dual - worker Families A family that relates to both parents working, women often combine house & work together
Childless Couples Couples who are married/live together, however they don't have children
Single Person households A single person living in a household alone. More Common: in older women
Same sex couples Couples that live together of the same sex
One parent Families One parent with children, children live at home with one parent
Reconstituted Families A family where previous married adults remarry. Children may live with step parents/brothers and sisters
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