Ch. 10: Six Options for Determing Medical Disqualification


Midterm O&A Flashcards on Ch. 10: Six Options for Determing Medical Disqualification , created by Tamara Jacob on 18/04/2016.
Tamara Jacob
Flashcards by Tamara Jacob, updated more than 1 year ago
Tamara Jacob
Created by Tamara Jacob about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PASSED Athlete is cleared for participation in all sports, with no reservations or contraindications.
PASSED WITH CONDITIONS Athlete's conditions requires follow-up. Athlete may return to full activity pending results.
PASSED WITH RESRVATIONS Athlete may not participate in contact or collision sports.
FAILED WITH RESERVATIONS Athlete is not cleared for participation, especially not contact or collision sports.
FAILED WITH CONDITIONS Athlete needs re-evaluation for participation after medical conditions is cared for.
FAILED Athlete may not participate in any sport, of any level.
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