Biology - respiration


revision for repiration - biology
Lily Barnett
Flashcards by Lily Barnett, updated more than 1 year ago
Lily Barnett
Created by Lily Barnett over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Carbon dioxide is... a poisonous by-product of respiration
Transport systems... take materials to and from respiring cells
Oxygen is... needed to release energy from glucose in the body
Respiration is... the process that releases energy from food
Water is... made when energy is released from food
Energy is... needed to do ANYTHING
What is the equation for respiration? Glucose+Oxygen --> Carbon dioxide+water+Energy
What are the lungs used for? 1. To collect Oxygen from the air 2. To deliver carbon dioxide to the air
The lungs need... 1. A large surface area for this swapping of gas to take place. 2. A good blood supply and circulatory system to move things around the body. 3. Ways to prevent the surfaces being clogged up with dust from the air.
Intercostal muscle... The muscles found between the ribs and involved in ventilation
Bronchiole... The smaller tubes that the bronchi split into.
Trachea... The 'windpipe' - passage of air from outside to inside.
Diaphragm... A muscular sheet at the bottom of the thorax and involved in ventilation.
Bronchi... The two tubes ( one leading to each lung) that the trachea splits into.
Pleural membrane... Moist membranes between the inside of the thorax and lungs that provide lubrication to prevent the lungs from 'sticking'
What is blood? Blood is a mixture of different types of cells suspended in a straw coloured liquid called plasma. The main function of blood is to: carry oxygen and nutrients to the body cells: remove waste product: and protect the body against infection. Different components of the blood carry out different roles
Red blood cell: a) What does it look like? b) What is its primary role? c)Extra details... a) It is shaped like flat disc with a dimple on each side. b) To carry oxygen and remove waste products. c) It contains a substance called haemoglobin, contains iron and helps to absorb oxygen. In the lungs oxyhemoglobin combine with oxygen haemoglobin.
White Blood cell: a) What does it look like? b) What is its primary role? c) Extra details... a)They are spiky b)To protect the body from infection. c) The phagocytes kill the bacteria by eating them.The Lymphocytes kill the bacteria by a chemical called antibodies.
Platelets: a) What does it look like? b) What is its primary role? c) Extra details... a) ________ b) To seal and clot the wound c) They play an important job by helping to clot at a wound to prevent any blood loss.
Plasma: a) What does it look like? b) What is its primary role? c) Extra details... a) A straw coloured liquid. b) Carries all of the different types of cells contained in the blood. c) Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product by cells in the body tissues, then dissolved in the blood plasma so it can be transported to the lungs.
What are the parts of the heart?
What types of blood vessels are there? 1) Artery 2) Vein 3) Capillary
Arteries have... - Small lumen - Thick walls - Thick layer of muscle and elastic fibres. - Relatively thin walls
Veins have... - Large lumen - Often have valves
Capillaries have... - Walls a single layer thick - Tiny vessels with narrow lumen.
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