Liberal Reforms


Flashcards on Charleed booth, created by thisis.helen2000 on 21/04/2016.
Helen Harmer
Flashcards by Helen Harmer, updated more than 1 year ago
Helen Harmer
Created by Helen Harmer over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
who was Charles booth and what did he do? 1- successful business man + owner of Liverpool shipping company 2- thought poverty repots were over exaggerated + set out to prove them wrong 3- mapped out slums in London + published it in a book, map showed how rich and poor live side by side 4- 1/3 lived below poverty line 5- was taken seriously as he was respected
Seebohm Rowntree, what did he do for the liberal reform? 1- committed reformer 2- head of confectionary company in York 3- 2 year of research in York showed that this middle class respected town was full of poverty 4- in York 27% under poverty line 5- poverty was caused by old age, illness and underemployment ( casual or seasonal employment
who was John Galt and what did he do ? 1- deeply religious missionary in the slums of east London + amateur photographer 2- took photos of the poor and showed them at meetings changing many middle class views towards poverty 3- photos proved how hard the poor worked 4-not that well known
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