Lecture 3


Voice Disorders in Children
Flashcards by alicecartwright9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alicecartwright9 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Difference between children & adult VF smaller, softer cartilages and lax supporting ligaments. normal adult larynx - at teen larynx more anterior and higher minor change in oedema -> big changes in airflow resistance
differential diagnosis congenital and genetic foreign body ingestion acute inflammatory conditions benign lesions. co-occur with speech and language disorders
Laryngeal papillomatosis most common laryngeal growth wart-like growths viral - aggressive and diffuse. surgical removal, antiviral agents, CO2 laser. Therapy: assist with communication strategies to compensate for hoarseness
Laryngeal web extends across glottis, obstructs airway tracheostomy to divide web. Therapy: residual voice function usually adequate - optimise loudness, pitch, quality
Laryngomalacia most common congenital laryngeal disorder immature cartilaginous development supraglottic structures collapse during inspiration inspiratory stridor
subglottic stenosis, subglottic haemangioma require surgery type of procedure my affect vocal function
VF paralysis second most common congenital disorder associated with spina bifida vagus nerve
Disorders associated with vocal abuse & misuse most common VD vocal nodules - 50% of kids with VD voice therapy - main approach
Psychogenic VD hysterical conversion dsyphonia puberphonia incomplete and delayed maturation
Hearing impairment difficulty controlling pitch, loudness, nasality, tone abnormal breathingk increased laryngeal tension, excess effort acquired laryngeal pathologies, vocal nodules, polyps, oedema VT - visual feedback
prematurity prolonged ventilation and intubation tissue oedema -> ulceration corrective surgery - VF damage, potential RLN palsy, arytenoid dislocation
Trachiostomised child facilitation oral communication development expressive speech dependent on ability to vocalise temporary occlusion of tube AAC devices
Disorders of nasal resonance (Hypernasality) palate issues, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy Tx - mild (therapy to increase oral to nasal resonance, increase palate strength) Tx - severe (pharyngoplasty)
Disorders of nasal resonance (hyponasality) structural changes - anterior and posterior nasal flow obstruction adenoidal hypertrophy, septal deviation, sternosis bone/cartilage Tx - medical or surgery
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