land forms


definitions, features and diagrams
allisten cooper
Flashcards by allisten cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
allisten cooper
Created by allisten cooper over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Describe the land form and contour lines of a regular slope. all contour lines are evenly spaced with a gentle gradient.
Describe the land form and contour lines of an irregular slope. Contour lines are unevenly spaced with a mix of steep and gentle gradients.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a concave slope. Widely spaced contour lines at the base of the slope and with gentle gradients and at the top closely spaced contour lines and steep gradients.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a plain. A wide expanse of flat of very gentle gradient located in lowlands.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a plateau. a wide expanse of flat or very gentle gradient located in highlands.
Describe the land form and contour lines of undulating plains. Irregular ,widely spaced contour lines on flat land with gentle gradients.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a conical hill. Has contour lines of smaller circles at the top.(an aria view of of an upside down cone)
Describe the land form and contour lines of a round top hill. wide circle contour lines at the top with steep and gentle gradients.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a saddle or col. . An area of flat land high up between two areas of highland with gentle gradients.
Describe the land form and contour lines of a valley. a long stretch of land between two areas of highland.
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