Lord of the flies flashcards


GCSE English Literature Flashcards on Lord of the flies flashcards, created by abbiehogarth44 on 03/05/2016.
Flashcards by abbiehogarth44, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbiehogarth44 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Can you link the following quotation to another from before or after the event and describe how the boys have changed. "be careful with it, you'll break it!" - Piggy Chapter 1. The boys at the beginning of the novel found the conch and treated it with great respect however then towards the end of the novel the boys neglected it and didn't accept it allocated power any more . The conch represented civilisation on the island and this shows that the boys didn't just neglect the conch at the end of the novel they neglected civilisation to, a quotation to prove this could be " The conch shattered into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist."
What do you think directed the boys to savagery? - One reason could be that hunters were so enthusiastic with hunting that it became all they wanted to do. They became Bloody thirsty and eventually didn't care or mind who or what they were hurting as long as they were. They got a thrill from it and it got worse and worse until they hunted down Simon - Another possible reason could be just being around people with instincts to kill. They are around these boys everyday for months and months and they look up to certain characters and this could influence others to turn savage.
What if anything represents civilisation in the book? - The conch: the conch was always the object that kept the peace and order. Everyone lived by the conch as if it was holy. - Time: time could have represented civilisation. It wore away day after day until eventually they gave up as they sore no hope left. - Piggy: piggy died with civilisation ( the conch) so maybe he also represented civilisation so when that died he did too.
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