Business Studies - Business Activity - Unit A292 - Flashcards


Business studies unit A292 - flashcards of business activity. Including Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors.
Lucy Hemsley
Flashcards by Lucy Hemsley, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ellie Ashford
Created by Ellie Ashford almost 10 years ago
Lucy Hemsley
Copied by Lucy Hemsley over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name 3 Types Of Business Activity Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
What Is The Primary Sector? The first stage or first part of production. Remember By: Primary means First.
Examples Of Businesses In The Primary Sector Include... Fishing, Mining & Quarrying, Farming, Mineral Extraction (e.g.. Oil Drilling), Forestry.
What Is The Secondary Sector? The second stage of production. Manufacture products from raw materials provided by the primary sector.
Examples Of Businesses In The Secondary Sector Include... Retailing, Banking, Insurance, Travel, Entertainment, Transport, Hotels, Customer Service.
Examples Of Businesses In The Secondary Sector Include... Car Manufacturers, Furniture Manufacturers, Electrical Appliance Manufacturers,
What Is The Tertiary Sector? The tertiary sector is really concerned with providing a service for it's customers. Businesses in this section provide a service for others.
Give A Reason For Changes In The Primary Sector. Raw materials have been used up, resulting, for example, in the closure of many coal mines and the loss of many thousands of jobs,
Give A Reason For Changes In The Secondary Sector. The use of machinery has meant that many jobs have been lost, with workers being replaced by machines (which are less expensive). The increasing use of robotics and computer control systems has affected many businesses - for example, car assembly.
Give A Reason For Changes In The Tertiary Sector. Many tertiary sector jobs are connected to the rise in population - for example, health and education. As the population rises, more teachers and nurses will be needed. These jobs have not been affected by the introduction of machinery in he same way as primary and secondary sector jobs.
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