
GCSE Chemistry (C2- material choices ) Flashcards on Untitled, created by Jacob Callow on 21/02/2014.
Jacob Callow
Flashcards by Jacob Callow, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Callow
Created by Jacob Callow over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
name the two types of materials natural and synthetic
what is fractional distillation used for in crude oil it is used to separate the different hydro carbons from the crude oil mixture by using different temperatures.
what is polymerisation polymerisation is a chemical process where small hydrocarbon molecules (monomers) are joined making longer.. polymers
what happens to the amount of atoms in a reaction nothing, the amount of atoms stays the same from reactants to the products
why is rubber flexible and has a low melting point this is because rubber has weak forces between the molecules so they can move over each other allowing it to stretch
what properties do materials with strong covalent bonds have they are rigid and cannot be stretched
what would increasing the chain length do longer chain length means a stronger...
what is cross linking and how does it make materials harder it is where atoms between polymer molecules bond stopping them from moving (vulcanisation)
what are plasticisers plasticisers are small molecules which force the chains further apart making the forces weaker
what would closely packed polymer chins do it would make the polymer stronger, more dense and have a higher melting point
what is Nano science its the study of materials only a few atoms big (1billionth of a metre)
what things use nano tec sunscreen, plaster, catalytic converters, medical dressings, socks
what do silver nanoparticles help do in many things they help kill many types of bacteria (used in socks)
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