Unit 3 OIAs


OIAs of pelvis and lower limb/foot
Lesley Howard
Flashcards by Lesley Howard, updated more than 1 year ago
Lesley Howard
Created by Lesley Howard about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Quadratus lumborum O: Lumbar transverse processes, rib 12 I: Iliac crest A: Extend/laterally flex vertebral column I: Lumbar plexus T12-L4
Psoas major O: Vertebral bodies, IV discs and transverse processes of T12-L5 I: Lesser trochanter of femur A: Flex thigh, stabilize trunk I: Lumbar plexus L1-L3
Iliacus O: Iliac fossa and crest I: Lesser trochanter of femur A: Flex hip, stabilize trunk I: Femoral nerve
Piriformis O: Anterior surface of sacrum I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Lateral rotation of thigh, stabilizes head of femur in acetabulum I: Nerve to piriformis S1-S2
Obturator internus O: Deep surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Laterally rotates thigh, stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum I: Nerve to obturator internus
Obturator externus O: External surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone I: Trochanteric fossa of femur A: Laterally rotate thigh, stablilize femoral head in acetabulum I: Obturator nerve
Superior gemellus O: Ischial spine I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Laterally rotate thigh, stabilize femoral head in acetabulum A: Nerve to obturator internus
Inferior gemellus O: Ischial tuberosity I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Laterally rotate thigh, stabilize femoral head in acetabulum I: Nerve to quadratus femorus
Quadratus femoris O: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity I: Intertrochanteric crest of femur A: Laterally rotates thigh, stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum I: Nerve to quadratus femoris
Gluteus maximus O: Posterior surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament I: Iliotibial tract to lateral condyle of femur and gluteal tuberosity of femur A: Extends and laterally rotates thigh I: Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius O: External surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Abducts and medially rotates thigh, keeps pelvis level I: Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus O: External surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines I: Greater trochanter of femur A: Abducts and medially rotates thigh, keeps pelvis level I: Superior gluteal nerve
Tensor fascia lata O: ASIS and iliac crest I: Iliotibial tract to lateral condyle of femur A: Flexes and medially rotates thigh, tenses fascia latae I: Superior gluteal nerve
Rectus femoris O: AIIS I: Patella via quadriceps tendon and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Flexes thigh, extends knee I: Femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis O: Greater trochanter of femur, lateral lip of linea aspera I: Patella via quadriceps tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Extends knee/leg I: Femoral nerve
Vastus medialis O: Intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera I: Patella via quadriceps tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament A: Extends knee/leg I: Femoral nerve
Vastus intermedius O: Anterior and lateral surfaces of femoral diaphysis I: Patella via quadriceps tendon, tibial tuberosity via patella ligament A: Extends knee/leg I: Femoral nerve
Sartorius O: ASIS I: Superior medial tibial surface A: Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh, flexes leg I: Femoral nerve
Pectineus O: Superior pubic ramus I: Pectineal line of femur A: Adducts and flexes thigh, assists with medial rotation of thigh I: Femoral nerve
Gracilis O: Body and inferior ramus of pubis I: Medial surface of proximal tibia A: Adducts thigh, flexes knee I: Obturator nerve
Adductor longus O: Body of pubis I: Middle third of linea aspera A: Adducts thigh I: Obturator nerve
Adductor brevis O: Body and inferior ramus of pubis I: Superior third of linea aspera A: Adducts thigh I: Obturator nerve
Adductor magnus adductor O: Ischiopubic ramus I: Gluteal tuberosity and proximal linea aspera A: Adduct and flex thigh I: Obturator nerve
Abductor magnus hamstring O: Ischial tuberosity I: Adductor tubercle of femur A: Adducts and extends thigh I: Tibial division of sciatic nerve
Semitendinosus O: Ischial tuberosity I: Medial surface of proximal tibia A: Extends hip and flexes knee I: Tibial division of sciatic nerve
Semimembranosus O: Ischial tuberosity I: Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia A: Extends hip and flexes knee I: Tibial division of sciatic nerve
Biceps femoris long head O: Ischial tuberosity I: Head of fibula A: Flexes knee I: Tibial division of sciatic nerve
Biceps femoris short head O: Linea aspera I: Head of fibula A: Flexes knee I: Common fibular division of sciatic nerve
Gastrocnemius O: Lateral femoral condyle and popliteal surface of femur I: Calcaneal tuberosity A: Flex knee, plantar flex foot I: Tibial nerve
Soleus O: Soleal line of tibia, posterior aspect of tibial head I: Calcaneal tuberosity A: Plantar flexion of foot I: Tibial nerve
Plantaris O: Lateral supracondylar line of femur I: Calcaneal tuberosity A: Weak plantar flexion of foot I: Tibial nerve
Popliteus O: Lateral condyle of femur, lateral meniscus I: Posterior surface of proximal tibia A: Lateral rotation of knee on tibia I: Tibial nerve
Flexor digitorum longus O: Medial side of posterior surface of tibia I: Plantar surface on base of distal phalanges 2-5 A: Flexes toes 2-5, plantar flexion of foot I: Tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis longus O: Posterior surface of fibula and interosseus membrane I: Plantar surface of distal phalanx of hallux A: Flex hallux, plantar flex foot I: Tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior O: Posterior surface of interosseus membrane, tibia and fibula I: Navicular bones, cuneiform bones, cuboid bones, and metatarsals 2-4 A: Plantar flexion and inversion of foot I: Tibial nerve
Tibialis anterior O: Lateral condyle and lateral surface of tibia, and interosseus membrane I: Medial cuneiform, base of first metatarsal A: Dorsiflex ankle and invert foot I: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Extensor digitorum longus O: Proximal 2/3 of anterior surface of fibula and interosseus membrane, lateral condyle of tibia I: Middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5 A: Extends lateral 4 digits, dorsiflexion of ankle I: Deep fibular nerve (peroneal)
Extensor digitorum brevis O: Dorsal surface of calcaneus I: Extensor expansion of digits 2-4 A: Assists in extension of digits 2-4 I: Deep fibular nerve (peroneal)
Extensor hallucis longus O: Anterior surface of fibula and interosseus membrane I: Base of distal phalanx of hallux A: Extends hallux, dorsiflexes ankle I: Deep fibular nerve (peroneal)
Extensor hallucis brevis O: Dorsal surface of calcaneus I: Base of proximal phalanx of hallux A: Assists in extension of hallux I: Deep fibular nerve (peroneal)
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius O: Inferior third and anterior surface of fibula and interosseus membrane I: Base of 5th metacarpal A: Dorsiflexes ankle, assist in eversion of foot I: Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Fibularis (peroneus) longus O: Head and superior 2/3 of lateral side of fibula I: Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal A: Everts foot, weak plantar flexion of ankle I: Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis O: Inferior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula I: Tuberosity at base of metatarsal 5 A: Everts foot, weak plantar flexion of ankle I: Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Abductor hallucis O: Calcaneal tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis I: Base of proximal phalanx of hallux A: Abducts and flexes hallux I: Medial plantar nerve
Flexor digitorum brevis O: Calcaneal tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis I: Middle phalanges of digits 2-5 A: Flexes digits 2-5 at PIP joints I: Medial plantar nerve
Flexor hallucis brevis O: Cuboid, lateral cuneiform I: Sides of proximal phalanx of hallux A: Flexes MTP joint of hallux I: Medial plantar nerve
Abductor digiti minimi O: Calcaneal tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis I: Proximal phalanx of fifth digit A: Abducts and flexes digit 5 I: Lateral plantar nerve
Quadratus plantae O: Plantar surface of calcaneus I: Lateral side of tendon of flexor digitorum longus A: Assists FDL in flexing digits 2-5 I: Lateral plantar nerve
Adductor hallucis O: Lateral 3 MTP joints and bases of metatarsals 2-5 I: Base of proximal phalanx of hallux A: Adducts hallux I: Lateral plantar nerve
Flexor digiti minimi brevis O: Base of 5th metatarsal I: Proximal phalanx of digit 5 A: Flexes MTP joint of digit 5 I: Lateral plantar nerve
Plantar interossei O: Medial sides of metatarsals 3-5 I: Medial sides of base of proximal phalanx of digits 3-5 A: Adduct digits 3-5 I: Lateral plantar nerve
Dorsal interossei O: Adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5 I: 1st is medial side of proximal phalanx of digit 2. 2nd-4th is lateral sides of proximal phalanges 2-5 A: Abducts digits 2-4 I: Lateral plantar nerve
Lumbricals O: Tendons of flexor digitorum longus I: Extensor expansions of digits 2-5 A: Flex MTP joints, extend IP joints I: 1st = medial plantar nerve, 2nd-4th = lateral plantar nerve
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