Th3L06 Glands and hair follicles


Medicine Y1 (Theme 3 | Tissues and systems) Flashcards on Th3L06 Glands and hair follicles, created by Emma Allde on 08/09/2016.
Emma Allde
Flashcards by Emma Allde, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Allde
Created by Emma Allde about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the skin appendages? Sweat glands, hair follicles, arrector pilli muscle, sebaceous glands
What type of gland are sweat glands? Exocrine and merocrine (unbranched and tubular)
What are sweat glands important for? Thermoregulation (evaporation of sweat)
Sweat glands are innervated by what? Sympathetic nervous system
Describe the secretory portion of sweat glands: * Highly coiled * Singe layer of cuboidal cells + layer of myoepithelial cells
Where is the secretory portion of sweat glands located? at junction of dermis and hypodermis
What does the secretory portion of sweat glands produce? isotonic fluid
Describe the excretory duct * Straight course through dermis * Corkscrew through epidermis * Stratified cuboidal cells
What is the role of excretory duct? Absorbs NaCl to produce hypotonic sweat
Where are apocrine sweat glands found? Axilla (armpit) and genital regions
Apocrine sweat glands discharge into where? Hair follicles
What do the apocrine sweat glands discharge? Sticky, milk fluid that becomes odiferous by microbial action
When do the apocrine sweat glands come functional? During puberty
What is the mode of secretion for apocrine sweat glands? Release of membrane-bound vesicles rich in lipid
What are the modified apocrine sweat glands? Mammary glands
Where do sebaceous glands discharge into? middle portion of hair follicles
What do the sebaceous glands secrete? Sebum
What is sebum Lipid rich secretion that maintains suppleness of skin
What kind of gland are sebaceous glands? Exocrine, holocrine glands
What are arrector pili muscle? Bundle of smooth muscle that inserts into the connective tissue sheath around the hair follicle and into the papillary layer of dermis
What is the role of arrector pili muscle? * Raising hair * Vestigial importance in man > goosebumps
Hair follicles arise as what? down growth of epidermis
Keratinocytes of the hair bulb differ from the other keratinocytes in that? (2) * They follow different differentiation pathways * Concentric rings or cells with different morphologies
Describe the structure and location of Central medulla (hair follicle): * Location * Centre of the hair only in thick hair * Lightly keratinised, large cells
Describe the structure and location of Cortex (hair follicle): * Location * Outer, third layer, surrounds the cortex * Very heavily keratinised scales
Describe the structure and location of Inner root sheath (hair follicle): * Location * Surrounds the hair, towards base of hair follicle * Degenerates at level of sebaceous glands, forms a space into which sebum is discharged
Describe the structure and location of Outer root sheath (hair follicle): * Location * Surrounds inner root sheath * Doesn't take part in hair formation; continuous with epidermis and contains reservoir of stem cells able to regenerate the epidermis
Describe the structure and location of Glassy membrane (hair follicle): Layer of connective tissue that surrounds the base of the hair follicle, connecting it to the dermis
What is key to the differences between layers of the hair follicle? Hair papilla
What are hair papilla? Specialised aggregation of connective tissue cells
What is the role of hair papilla Inductive role in directing hair formulation
When do hair papilla form AND what happens if they are destroyed? * Forms only one during development * If destroyed, hair cannot grow back
Hair growth should be described as what? Intermittent
Growth phase for scalp? Years
Quiescence phase for scalp? 3 months
What is a quiescent follicle? Club hair
Growth phase for body hair? Months
Quiescence phase for body hair? Years
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