Chapter 16 - The internet and e-commerce (1)


Flashcards on Chapter 16 - The internet and e-commerce (1), created by Sam Onyefuna on 09/09/2016.
Sam  Onyefuna
Flashcards by Sam Onyefuna, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam  Onyefuna
Created by Sam Onyefuna about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Internet A huge network of computers, world wide, which are connected together and exchange information using common software.
E-commerce A system that allows customers to access a business's website to obtain goods or services.
Modem A piece of hardware that converts data from a computer into a form that can be sent down a telephone line to connect it to the internet.
IPS A company that allows you to connect to its network to gain access to the internet.
Web browser A program which allows people to use the World Wide Web.
Email Messages and documents that are sent and read electronically, without the need for a printed copy.
Blog A diary style website where individuals or businesses can add comments about a particular topic.
Social networking site A site which allows people to communicate with each other via messages.
Chat room A website which allows real time messaging between individuals or groups of people.
Spam Unwanted emails.
URL A special file name which is different for every page on the internet.
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