Chapter 2 Vocabulary: Causes and Effects of the Revolutionary War


Bryan Padilla
Flashcards by Bryan Padilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Bryan Padilla
Created by Bryan Padilla about 8 years ago

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Enlightenment aka "Age of Reason"; 1700's & 1800's movement that spread the idea that reason and science could improve society.
Mayflower Compact document signed by passengers of Mayflower; created a direct democracy in the New World; also represents the idea of a social contract.
House of Burgesses bicameral legislature in Jamestown, Virginia; also was the first representative democracy in the New World
indentured servant a person who agreed to work for a period of 7 years to pay off the cost of their passage to the colonies.
triangular trade trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas; slaves from Africa were transported to the Americas and traded for sugar and molasses.
Middle Passage the journey across the Atlantic Ocean made by slave ships.
salutary neglect sometimes called healthy or useful neglect meant England did not strictly enforce its laws in the colonies.
French Indian War also called the Seven Years War between England and France; because of war debt England began to tax the colonies
"no taxation without representation" slogan that summed up the colonists anger over taxes and the fact the colonies were NOT allowed to send representatives to Parliament.
Boston Massacre March 5 1770 British soldiers opened fire on a crowd killing 5 american colonists; event fueled teethe Americans hatred for the British.
Stamp Act a tax on printed materials such as legal documents, mail, newspapers, etc.
Boston Tea Party colonists some dressed as Indians sneaked aboard British ships and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor.
Intolerable Acts also known as the Coercive Acts; these acts (laws) punished the Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party; the Boston port was closed to trade and a new Quartering Act.
Quartering Act part of the Intolerable Acts; act that required colonist to house and feed British soldiers.
Common Sense pamphlet written by Thomas Pained that was widely read in the colonies; said colonies should be free and independent
Battle of lexington and Concord "shot heard around the word"; first battle of the revolutionary war.
Second Continental Congress meeting of colonial delegates in May 1775; a committee of 5 men were appointed to write a document declaring American independence
Declaration of Independence the document addressed to King George 2 of England that declared American independence
Thomas Jefferson Main author of the D.O.I
John Locke English philosopher whose natural rights philosophy was a BIG influence on Thomas Jefferson
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1st written constitution in the New World
Proclamation of 1763 England said colonists could not settle new lands beyond the Appalachian Mts.
Articles of Confederation our 1st government; lasted for about 10 years; created a "league of friendship" between the 13 states
Daniel Shay's Rebellion a wake up call for Americans; Daniel Shays led a rebellion of Massachusetts farmers against the federal govt. under the AOC
Philadelphia Convention ada Constitutional Convention; met May Sept. 1787 delegates suppose to amend (fix) the Articles of Confederation; end up writing a new constitution
James Madison Father of the Constitution
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