

Electricity Unit of Grade 9 Science
tamanna tanwar
Flashcards by tamanna tanwar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by iosena over 9 years ago
tamanna tanwar
Copied by tamanna tanwar almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Static Electricity An electric charge that stays on the surface of an object -Charge builds up when different objects are rubbed together (charged by friction)
Examples of objects that are attracted to each other due to their opposite charge -Rubbing a balloon against a sweater -Brushing your hair against a plastic comb
Bohr-Rutherford model of the atom The atom is the basic unit of matter -Neils Bohr and Ernest Rutherford created the atom model -Based on their model, atoms contain 3 subatomic particles; protons, neutrons, and electrons
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