Science Test Lessons: 4-7


this is what im going to use to study for ky test
jhia walker
Flashcards by jhia walker, updated more than 1 year ago
jhia walker
Created by jhia walker almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define: planets large bodies orbiting a star (sun)
Define: solar system the sun + all of the planets, moons, and other bodies traveling around it
define: asteriod rocky or metalic objects that orbit the sun
define: comet a ball of ice + rock that orbits the sun
Define: meteroids small asteroid or small rock
Define: meteor when a meteroid enters earth atmosphere (shooting star!!)
Define: meteorite when a meteroid reaches earth's surface
define: star large hot ball of gas
define: constellation group of stars that form a pattern
define: light-year describes distances in space
define: nebula beginning of a star
define: supernova when a star explodes
define: black hole when a star collapses
define: Milky Way home, galaxy, spiral-shaped
define: galaxies large group of stars
define: big bang the beginning moment of the universe when it was very hot + dense (this is what scientist think)
define: quasar extremely bright, extremely distant, high-energy source
what are the four inner planets? 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars
What are the 4 different layers of the earth? 1. crust 2. mantle 3. outer core 4. inner core
what do comets have that help us see them? They have tails to help us see them
What are the 5 outer planets? 1. Jupiter 2. Saturn 3. Uranus 4. Neptune 5. Pluto
what are some different constellations? Orion, Leo, Pegasus, Little Dipper, Big Dipper
what are the different properties of stars? color, temperature, size, + distance from the earth
what kinda star is the brightest star? a star that is righter is a star that is hotter, larger, + closer
Facts about black holes: They do not give off light + if you go in one you can never come out
what are the different shapes of galaxies? the different shapes of galaxies are spiral, elliptical, + irregular
What is the shape of a spiral galaxy? a spiral galaxy is shaped like a whirlpool
What is the shape of a elliptical galaxy? a elliptical galaxy has a shape of a football or a basketball
what shape does an irregular galaxy have? an irregular galaxy does not have a shape
what are the different colors of stars? red stars> cooler temp blue/white> higher temp from cool to hot the colors of stars can appear red, orange, yellow, green, blue, + white
Mercury> 1st planet from the sun Temp> very hot Special feature> closest planet to the sun FUn Fact> It's the hottest planet
Venus> 2nd closest planet to the sun temperature> hot Special feature> It's the only planet similar in size to earth Fun fact> this planet is named after a Greek goddess
Earth > 3rd planet from the sun Temperature> Average Special features> Only planet that supports life Fun fact: More than half is water
Mars > 4th planet from the sun Temperature> warm/ cool special feature> It's called the "red" planet Fun fact: Does it have life?
Jupiter > 5th planet from the sun temperature> cold special feature> It's the biggest planet Fun fact> The great red spot is an on going storm.
Saturn > 6th planet from the sun temperature> cold Special feature> It has 7 major rings. Fun Fact> it has 62 moons
Uranus> 7th planet from the sun Temperature> Very cold special feature> It is tilted on its side Fun fact> it has rings too!
Neptune> 8th planet from the sun temperature> very cold special feature> it's gases make it blue fun fact> it has seasons like Earth
Pluto> 9th planet from the sun temperature> freezing cold special feature> it's the smallest planet Fun fact> some scientists don't think it is a planet.
My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
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