Cognosy lect. 1 cards


Complete & Scientific terms for the most important points in lect. 1 intro of seeds !!
Menna Fathy
Flashcards by Menna Fathy, updated more than 1 year ago
Menna Fathy
Created by Menna Fathy almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Integuments of the Mature Ovule will be ......... after Fertlization Seed Coat = Testa
Nucellus is ............. Tissue Parenchymatous
Perisperm is Derived from the Growth of ............ Nucellus
Endosperm is dervied From ........... & act as a ................. primary endospermic Nuclei storage of Reserved Food Materials
Ovuum after fertlization will be ............ Embryo = Zygote
............ is a scar Hilium
............ is a pore for male nuclei passage & water absorption Micropyle
............ is the basal Part of ! nucellus Chalaza
The Radical Is Directed Towards the ........ Micropyle
Integuments are originated from ........... Chalaza
Fixed Oils & Volatile Oils can be tested using ............... Sudan III --> Red Color
Starch Can be tested Using ......... Iodine --> bluish violet color
Proteins in alueron grain can be tested by ............. Iodine --> Brown color or Picric Acid --> Yellow ppt
Membranous outgrowth arising from the Hilium is ................... & Give Example Arillus Eg: Cardamom
Nutmeg Mace Can be considered ..... or ....... Arillous , Arrilode
Spongy Tissue arising from Micropyle is ................ and is found in ............. seeds Caruncle , Ricinus
Arillod arises from ............ Micropyle
Colchicum Outgrowth is ............ Strophiole
Strophanthus has 2 outgrowths which are ........... & ............. AWN = hairs born on stalk & Wing
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