Unit 1.2 Discovering the solar system


By squab mohamed 9991
shuaib Mohamed
Flashcards by shuaib Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
shuaib Mohamed
Created by shuaib Mohamed over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an astronomer A Scientist who studies the stars and planets.
What is a Constellation A Constellation is a group of stars that make a pattern in the sky
What is a dwarf planet A dwarf planet is a small celestial body that is in orbit around the sun and is nearly round in shape. it has insufficient gravity to sweep its orbit
What is a Geocentric model This is a model of the universe as earth in its centre
What is the Heliocentric model This is a model of the universe as the sun in its centre
What is Retrograde motion This is an apparent loop-like motion of the planets as seen from earth
What are the five visible planets They are mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter and saturn
Why was pluto not considered to be a planet This was because of its size and low gravity
What is terrestrial This is all the rocky planets
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