A1 to A4


An introduction
Fathima Snaps
Flashcards by Fathima Snaps, updated more than 1 year ago
Fathima Snaps
Created by Fathima Snaps almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are nutrients? Substances in you food which are needed and used by your body
What are the 7 different nutrients in food? 1.Fat 2.Vitamins 3.Carbohydrates 4.Minerals 5.Water 6.Fiber 7.Protein
How do you get water? About 3/4 of your boys is made up of water. You should be drinking 2 or 3 litres of water a day although we get most of our water from drinking, we also get it from food, since most foods contain small amounts of water.
What are fats and carbohydrates? They are stores of energy, rather like a battery. Digesting food makes it possible for the energy to be released from fats and carbohydrates.
What are the purposes of: 1.Fat 2.Protein 3.Carbohydrate 4Fibre 1.Fat: An energy store and a vital part of the cell membranes. 2.Protein:For growth and repair of tissues and enzymes. 3.Carbohydrate: An immediate source of energy. 4.Fibre:To help keep food moving through your digestive system fairly quickly
What do Vitamins: A,B,C,D & K do? A:Helps eyes adjust to light change and helps bone growth & tooth development. It's found in carrots, fish, liver, dairy products. keeps skin and eyesight healthy. B:Keeps nerves healthy. Found in dairy products and leafy green veggies. C:Forms a protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. I t heals & helps form scar tissue.Keeps gum and skin healthy. D:It promotes bone growth and is needed to obtain calcium. K: Actives proteins and calcium that are essential in blood clotting. It may help prevent hip fractures.
What are the minerals: -Calcium and Phosphorus -Sodium & -Iron's jobs? Calcium and Phosphorus: Needed for contracting and strengthening bones and teeth. Found in Milk and leafy vegetables. Sodium: Needed for fluid balance and nerve transition. Found in Table salt, soya sauce and processed foods. iron: Helps the blood carry oxygen
What does water do? -Chemical reactions:All reactions in your body happen in water -Transport:Water is used to move nutrients around you body in the blood. -Excretion:Your body uses water to dissolve poisonous waste and get rid of it in urine. -Cooling:Water cools down your body when you sweat.
Why do you need fibre? Fibre absorbs water which makes it become bulky. This gives the walls of your digestive system something to push against, so that they can keep food moving through fairly quickly.
What is an RDA(Recommended daily allowance)? Suggested amount of each nutrient which is needed to stay healthy.
What factors influence your diet? -Age -Size -Activity -Gender -Culture
What are some of the different diets people have? -People with heart disease must have diets with very little fat -Pregnant woman must have diets with extra protein, vitamins & minerals -Breastfeeding women must have diets with more fats, carbohydrates and protein.
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