Studies of Religion I: HSC Exam Section I: Multiple Choice


Includes 2015 paper multiple choice
Blessy V
Flashcards by Blessy V, updated more than 1 year ago
Blessy V
Created by Blessy V almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
2015 HSC MC Questions :D
1) Which of the following is an important aspect of the Dreaming? (A) It arranges events in order of time. (B) It recognises totems as an ancient form of worship. (C) It establishes a moral code that informs and unites all life. (D) It symbolises the secular nature of customs and traditions. C) The Dreaming establishes a moral code that informs and unites all life.
2) Which of the following is true of the Anglican Church ? (A) It separated from the Uniting Church in 1987. (B) It is the largest Christian denomination in Australia. (C) It is no longer a member of the NSW Ecumenical Council. (D) It was formerly known as the Church of England in Australia. D) The Anglican Church was formerly known as the Church of England in Australia.
3) Baptist, Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox and Uniting Church. How many of the four are Protestant Churches? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 C) 3 churches including Baptist, Presbyterian and Uniting Church
4 The main reason why interfaith dialogue is important is that it provides (A) a forum for the discussion of social justice issues. (B) a basis for the future merger of religious traditions. (C) a structural basis for the development of secularism. (D) funding to support the work of the World Council of Churches. A) interfaith dialogue provides a forum for the discussion of social justice issues.
5) Of the following, which is the most common pattern of denominational switching? A) From Catholic to Uniting B) From Pentecostal to Anglican C) From Anglican to Salvation Army D) From Pentecostal to another Pentecostal D)
6) Statement 1: The 1992 Mabo decision applied to land lived on continuously by Aboriginal people. Statement 2: The 1996 Wik decision allowed pastoral leases to extinguish Native Title. Which of the following is correct? (A) Both statements are true. (B) Both statements are false. (C) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true. (D) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false D) In the Mabo case: - Indigenous people had to prove a continuous traditional link with the land since 1788 (which was difficult as they had been forcibly removed). In the Wik Decision: native title could co-exist with other rights on land held under a pastoral lease. However, when the interests were in conflict, the rights of the leasehold title would prevail. 

7) Which of the following led to Aboriginal people being separated from their kinship groups? (A) Assimilation (B) Secularism (C) Self-determination (D) Wik decision A) Assimilation: Official government policy which aimed to integrate minority groups into the dominant cultural group, resulting in a loss of culture, tradition and languages.
8) According to recent census data, what proprotion of people in Australia indetify as having no religion? (A) 50% or more (B) Between 40% and 49% (C) Between 30% and 39% (D) Less than 30% D) Less than 30% of people identify themselves as having no religion in Australia.
9) Which of the following contributed significantly to the growth of Buddhism in Australia? A) The aftermath of WWII B) The aftermath of the Vietnam War C) An increase in migration from Pakistan D) An increase in migration from the Philippines B) The aftermath of the Vietnam War While this was in the aftermath of WWII, more specifically, Buddhists increased due to the influx of immigrants from Vietnam.
10) What would supporters of ecumenism be likely to reject? (A) Sectarianism (B) Reconciliation (C) Interfaith dialogue (D) Denominational switching A) Sectarianism: a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group.
1 Which of the following is a common characteristic of New Age religions? (A) They value ecumenism. (B) They all reject materialism. (C) They focus on the spiritual needs of their adherents. (D) They integrate all non-Christian religions into a common set of beliefs. C) New Age
2) "Among the Undan Gnoora tribe of the Cooper region in Central Australia they talk of a time when the dry lake systems were once well watered and fertile … Giant gum trees growing nearby drew their sustenance from cooling rains. The unending stony desert of today was then an immense garden." What aspect of Aboriginal spirituality best relates to this quotation? (A) Art (B) Magic (C) Kinship (D) Dreaming D) Dreaming as the dreaming is inextricably linked to the land.
Q3: Has an image awaiting copyright, hence cannot be used. :(
4 Which of the following is central to the Dreaming? (A) Law (B) Marriage (C) Assimilation (D) Dispossession A) Law is central to the Dreaming; governs all aspects of Aboriginal life and incorporates the actions of the Ancestral Beings.
5 Which of the following enabled pastoral leases and Native Title to co-exist? (A) Mabo decision 1992 (B) Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (C) Wik decision 1996 (D) Native Title Amendment Act 1998 (Cth) C) Wik decision 1996 allowed pastoral leases and Native Title to coexist; however, if they conflicted, pastoral leases prevailed.
6 Since 2001, which of the following churches has been t denominational switching? he least affected by (A) Uniting (B) Catholic (C) Anglican (D) Pentecostal B) Catholic
7 Which of the following is true of totemic identity in Aboriginal spirituality? (A) It is a life-force that symbolises relationships. B) It encourages separation from one’s country. C) It identifies a temporary relationship between individuals and their totem. D) It connects individuals with the wider Australian community. A) Totem: Totem: An object such as an animal, a plant or a particular landmark through which a person is linked to the Ancestral Being responsible for his/her existence; hence it is a life force that symbolises these relationships.
8 Statement 1: The Anglican Church is the largest Christian denomination in Australia. Statement 2: The majority of Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists merged to form the Uniting Church in Australia. Which of the following is correct? (A) Both statements are true. (B) Both statements are false. (C) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true. (D) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false. C) Three denominations joined together including: Congregational Union in Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia (not Baptists)
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