Vocabulário prova 1


Vocabulários das provas
marcio Takano
Flashcards by marcio Takano, updated more than 1 year ago
marcio Takano
Created by marcio Takano almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
merchant comerciante * Susan’s father is a merchant
curtain cortina * Our mother closed the curtain
lend emprestar * What’s the opposite of lend?
roar rugido * The children looked up from their books when they heard a roar
sailor marinheiro * The sailor cut the rope in one quick motion
furnish fornecer *He should furnish his mechanics with enough tools to do the job right
issue questão * What’s public opinion on this issue?
getting used se acostumando * Are you getting used to the climate here?
get back voltar *When did you get back?
pick out escolheu *Which shirt did she pick out?
coat casaco * Do you want to try on this coat?
WAIT ON servir, atender,esperar * Have you been waited on?
go right away ir imediatamente *Can you go right away?
heavy burden pesado fardo *If we say that the President carries a heavy burden what do we mean?
raise aumento * Barbara demanded a raise in pay.
fastened apertou * John fastened the lock on the door
plane avião *The plane was not maintained in good flying conditions.
tiny pequena * She is tiny
runway pista * The pilot landed the plane on a wet runway.
valuable valioso *The item was very valuable
bomber bombardeiro *Originally it was a bomber
running over correndo *Why are the people running over there?
at last finalmente * Because at last their hero has arrived.
willing disposto, com vontade, de boa vontade, propenso, solícito *No, but they are willing to work.
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