Latin Vocab Checklist 3


Learn some Latin!
Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury
Flashcards by Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury
Created by Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ad to
bibit drinks
circumspectat looks round
clāmat shouts
ecce! look!
et and
exit goes out
exspectat waits for
iānua door
īrātus angry
leo (with - on top of the o) lion
magnus big
nāvis ship
non (with - on top of the o) not
portat carries
respondet replies
rīdet laughs, smilrs
salvē! hello!
surgit gets up, stands up
taberna shop, inn
videt sees
vīnum wine
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