

Goes through the quark combinations of Hadrons and discusses conservation of properties during interactions
Francesca Wittmann
Flashcards by Francesca Wittmann, updated more than 1 year ago
Francesca Wittmann
Created by Francesca Wittmann over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Quarks? Fundamental Particles of Hadrons
Quark combination of a Proton (charge and baryon number of p) up, up, down (gives charge: +1 and Baryon no: +1)
Quark combination of an antiproton antiup, antiup, antidown
Quark combination of a neutron Up, down , down
Quark combination of an antineutron Antiup, antidown, antidown
Quark combination of Baryons in general For particles: 3 quarks (combo of up and down) For anti-particles: 3 antiquarks (combo of anti up and anti down)
Quark composition of Pions and AntiPions Combo of two of: up, down, anti up, anti down
Composition of Pi+ up, anti down
Composition of Pi- (n.b. this is effectively the antiparticle of Pi+) down, anitup
Composition of Pi0 up, anti up OR down, anti down
Composition of K- meson And strangeness up, anti strange strangeness: +1
Composition of K+ meson and strangeness? anti up and strange. Strangeness: -1
Composition of K0 meson and strangeness down, anti strange strangeness: +1
Composition of an anti K0 meson and strangeness strange, anti down strangeness: -1
What does the weak interaction do? Changes the type of Quark
When is strangeness conserved? In strong interactions
Can you separate Quarks to make solo quarks NO- even if you supplied lots of energy pair production would just happen, NOT splitting. This is known as QUARK CONFINEMENT.
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