Christianity - Beliefs about God


Flashcards on Christianity - Beliefs about God, created by Avid_Dreamer on 07/04/2014.
Flashcards by Avid_Dreamer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Avid_Dreamer over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Christians? They are monotheists - they believe that there is only one God
Why is it hard for Christians to describe God? Because everyday language is always about ordinary things but God is not ordinary.
What does Holy mean? It means special, separate and different. God is described as holy.
What is the doctrine of trinity? Christians express their belief of God in this way. They describe it as three ways of being God : the father, the son and the holy spirit.
The Doctrine of Trinity is a manner of describing... The relationship between these three ‘persons’ which are all part of the one God.
When God is described as son of God what does this refer to? It refers to the Christian belief that God chose to come to earth as a human being. He was born of Mary and was called Jesus. This belief is called the Incarnation.
What was Jesus' purpose? To teach people God’s will for them, and to show them what life would be like in the Kingdom of God.
For Christians what is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God (Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew’s Gospel) is both an inner change of heart and a symbol of peace on earth.
Why is Jesus (Christ, Messiah) important to Christians? He not only taught people about God, he showed them what God is like. Jesus was put to death on the cross. This was the crucifixion.
Why is the cross an important symbol for Christians? Christianity says that because Jesus (who was God) chose to die because he loved humanity and wanted to save them, all people were forgiven their sins and so had a chance to go to heaven.
Do Christians believe that Jesus' death was the end for him? No, they believed in his resurrection, Jesus was not just a man in the past, but is a living saviour, relevant to their lives today.
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