human and social biology


Human and Social Sciences Flashcards on human and social biology, created by anna alexander on 01/02/2017.
anna alexander
Flashcards by anna alexander, updated more than 1 year ago
anna alexander
Created by anna alexander over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CARBON Is the most_______element on the earth abundant
all living things are made of_______ carbon
carbon is also a part of the ocean,air and even rocks.carbon is ______on the move always
the carbon cycle is the _______and ___________ of carbon back and forth between living things and their environment 1)circulation 2)transformation
the amount of carbon on the earth is _____ (unchangeing) but that fixed amount of carbon is _______(moving) this movement is known as the carbon cycle 1)fixed 2)dymanic
in the first step through photosynthesis,plants takes ______1___(___2_) out of the __3__ and __4____ ___5___(__6__) 1) carbon dioxide 2)co2 3)air 4)releases 5)oxygen 6)o2
the co2 that plants take in is converted into __________that make up the _____of the plants whichare stored in the plant leaves,shoots and roots carbon compounds body
the animals eat the plants breathe in _____ and exhale _______ the ____ created by animals is then available for _____ to use in ______ oxygen carbon dioxide co2 plants photosysnthesis
carbon stored in plants that are not eaten by animals eventually ______ after plants die it either ____ it into the ______ 0r _____ it in th _____ decomposes releases atmostphere stored soil
human activities like heating homes,factories giving off emissions ect. gives off _____ into the atmostphere in the form of _____.the carbon dioxide in the atmostphere is _____ by ___ _____(producers) to make food in photosythesis carbon carbon dioxide green plants
when animals feed on green plants they pass on ______ unto other animals in the levels of their ______.animals give off carbon dioxide in the atmostphere during _____ carbon compounds foof chains respiration
carbon dioxide is also given off when plants and animals ___this occurs when _______(bacteria and fungi) breaks down dead plants (decomposition) and releases the _________ stored in them die decomposers carbon compounds
very often,______ trapped in the dead materials becomes ______which is used as _____ again ata later time energy fossil fuel combustion
each organism in a food chain represents a _________ tropical level
1st tropical level-->2nd t.l ---->3t.l ______---____consumer--->____ consumer 1st tropical level-produser 2nd trop. level-primary consumer 3rd trop level-secondary consumer
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