PPD Ethics Flash Cards


PPD Ethics Flash Cards
Catherine Helen Claisse
Flashcards by Catherine Helen Claisse, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Helen Claisse
Created by Catherine Helen Claisse over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Outline and the implications for counselling of legislation relating to terrorism, drug trafficking and children. It will impact on confidentiality. I will speak to my Supervisor. If not available, contact the Police or any relevant body associated with the crime. If I believe there might a grey area, i.e, The client is taking drugs but not breaking the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986, then counsel client as I might be able to help them. Also speak to Supervisor. I would inform my client of my intentions, unless contacting the Police after my client had left the session would be a better option. i.e, the client was intending to commit an act of terrorism. Get clients consent unless not appropriate.
"Confidentiality is a key element in counselling practice". Discuss This question is the same as Q:4 Confidentiality most fundamental ethical obligations for counsellors to clients. Client made aware AT THE BEGINNING of the process, that certain rules outweigh confidentiality. These are Statutory obligations: Terrorism act 2000. Drug trafficking offences act 1986. Proceeds of crime act 2002. Money laundering regulations 2007. Children's act 1989 & 2004. The courts request via a subpoena. When client consents to disclosure. ( always obtain a written agreement.) When info already public knowledge. When public interest outweighs maintaining confidentiality. Training purposes by the counsellor. If the client is suicidal. If the client is under 16 or over 16 if this is a vulnerable adult. Always contact supervisor if you intend to break confidentiality.
Outline and discuss the ethical principles a counsellor should seek to apply to their practice. This Q is the same as Q:5 Being trustworthy: honouring the trust placed in the practitioner. Autonomy: respect for the client's right to be self-governing. Beneficence: a commitment to promoting the client's well being. Non-maleficence: a commitment to avoiding harm to the client. Justice: the fair and impartial treatment of all clients and the provision of adequate services. Self-respect: fostering the practitioner's self-knowledge, integrity and care for self.
What circumstances justify breaking the confidentiality in the client counsellor relationship? This Q is the same as Q:2 Confidentiality most fundamental ethical obligations for counsellors to clients. Client made aware AT THE BEGINNING of the process, that certain rules outweigh confidentiality. These are Statutory obligations: Terrorism act 2000. Drug trafficking offences act 1986. Proceeds of crime act 2002. Money laundering regulations 2007. Children's act 1989 & 2004. The courts request via a subpoena. When client consents to disclosure. ( always obtain a written agreement.) When info already public knowledge. When public interest outweighs maintaining confidentiality. Training purposes by the counsellor. If the client is suicidal. If the client is under 16 or over 16 if this is a vulnerable adult. Always contact supervisor if you intend to break confidentiality.
How might a counsellor seek to ensure that their practice is ethical? This Q is the same as Q:3 Being trustworthy: honouring the trust placed in the practitioner. Autonomy: respect for the client's right to be self-governing. Beneficence: a commitment to promoting the client's well being. Non-maleficence: a commitment to avoiding harm to the client. Justice: the fair and impartial treatment of all clients and the provision of adequate services. Self-respect: fostering the practitioner's self-knowledge, integrity and care for self.
Stages of progression in counselling Level 1: Beginner. Requires structured support and encouragement. Level 2: Probationer. Actively learning, still requires support and freedom to make mistakes. Level 3: Journeyman. Good enough counsellor who is achieving goals, possibly with a certain amount of frustration with non direct support. Level 4: Master therapist. Fully working, insightful, secure, open to challenge. Probably as qualified as their supervisor. ALL THE ABOVE REQUIRE SUPERVISION.
What are the 6 BACP Principles ? Fidelity: Being true to trust placed in counsellor. Autonomy: Respect clients right to be self governed make their own choices (non judgemental). Benefience: Clients welfare and how is this best achieved. Non- malefience: What will cause least harm? Justice: Fair treatment of all clients. What is fairest? Self respect: How best to look after self.
What are the 3 main tasks of supervision ? Normative: Making sure ethical, legal and professional aspects of the counsellors practice are good by monitoring and appraising. Formative: Supervision is educating, teaching via the supervisor. Restorative: Supporting and encouraging. GOOD SUPERVISION SHOULD OFFER ALL 3.
What are the responsibilities of the supervisee or counsellor? Provide initial client framework. (profile) Be focused on your material. prioritise important points. (be concise) Look at pos/neg aspects of your work to help you grow. Risk or self disclosure. Look at your feelings and attitudes. Be open minded. Encourage feedback. Face challenge appropriately. Recognise your issues with client/supervisor. Is there transference or counter transference. Reflect on material given in supervision. Take on board what is said to you in supervision. ALWAYS BRING GOD TO SUPERVISION WITH YOU.
What is the double matrix model of supervision. The client. The client and the counsellor. The counsellor. The counsellor and the supervisor. The supervisor.
What are Page and Wosketts 4 stages of counselling development? The beginner. The probationer. The journeyman. The master therapist.
What are the difference between process notes and case notes? Case notes can be seen by your client. What is said and what is done. (CLIENT CAN SEE THESE IF REQUESTED) Process notes are confidential and usually reflections, feelings and concerns, observations and hunches. (COULD BE A SUBPOENA BY COURTS) Neither should be kept together. Keep in separate, locked filing cabinets. If keeping details on a computer then you will need to reg under data protection act 1998.
Why might a counsellor refer a client on? If they didn't feel they were the best qualified professional to help.
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