Outer Planets Flashcards Feb 25


These are flashcards to help me remember the outer planets for my upcoming test on Feb 27 2017!
Jade Rucker
Flashcards by Jade Rucker, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Rucker
Created by Jade Rucker over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what are all 4 of the outer planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
what do all of the outer planets have in common gas giants no solid surface just thick atmosphere very large all have rings very far apart from each other many moons
name 3 characteristics of Jupiter largest planet almost big enough to be a star huge storms
name 3 characteristics of Saturn 29 years to orbit tilt itself largest moon is Titan
name 3 characteristics of Uranus rotates on its side 4x the diameter of earth 5 large moons
name 3 characteristics of Neptune farthest planet from the sun visible clouds cold blue planet
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