Tess of D- Quotes- Phase the first


AS - Level English literature Flashcards on Tess of D- Quotes- Phase the first, created by Alice Vincent on 07/03/2017.
Alice Vincent
Flashcards by Alice Vincent, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Vincent
Created by Alice Vincent over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"Natural shyness of the softer sex" Women weaker then men
"White garmets, no whites were alike among them" Different levels of white and purity
"white flowers" Purity and nature
"few middle aged and even elderly women" Critical of old age, symbolises loss of beauty
"Those under whose bodices the life throbbed quick and warm" Women as sexual beings
"Some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure, few, if any had all" Emphasis on apperance
"as each and all of them were warmed without by the sun" Angelic, all important individuals
"she was a fine and handsome girl - not handsomer than some others" Sets Tess apart from the rest, symoblic possession
"mobile peony mouth" Nature, innocent like a flower
"she wore a red ribbon in her hair" Sense of lust, danger and seduction
"i wont walk another inch with ye, if you say any jokes about him" Tess embarassed by her father, protective
"The dialect was on her tongue to some extent, despite the village school" Realistic diaglouge
"for all her bouncing womanliness" Hardy's intrusion, sexualising Tess
"three young men of a superior class" class division
"uncribbed uncabined aspect" open minded, allusion to mcbeth, his open mindedness and spirit foreshadows to a time where he will be full of doubts and fears
"implying that he had hardly as yet found the entrance to his professional groove" Not found himself yet, self- consious
"I am inclined to go and have a fling with them. Why not all of us just for a minute or two - it will not detain us long?" Angels willingness not to cornform to society's class division
"troop of country hoydens" Three brothers are embarassed to be seen by the girls/ class divide
"pedigree, ancestral skeletons, monumental record, the D'urberville lineaments, did not help Tess in her life's battle yet" Her new found 'ancestry' has not helped her in life, ironic as it hinders her later on in the book
"his eyes lightened on Tess Durbeyfield" When Angel first saw Tess
"Bending himself to a rapid walk, he dismissed the subject from his mind" distance between lovers
"they did not speak so nicely as the strange man had done" The country girls are picky about men
"Tess could boast of were in main part of her mother's gift" Inherited beauty from mother
"There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand' dream- like state
"A sort of halo, an occidental glow" Fairy-tale image
"but she's tractable at bottom. leave her to me" Tess's mother can easily manipulate her/ Tess is easily manipulated
"but Joan Durbeyfield must mind that she don't get green malt in flower" Local boozers talk about Tess and her mother, this is an idiom for 'Innocent woman pregnant out of wedlock" and foreshadows the rape of Tess
"Tess sat up in bed, lost in a bague interspace between a dream and this information" Tess in a dream world, no clue of reality
"A blighted one" Tess answering her sibling's question, shows her pessimistic view of the world, and maybe Aurthorial intrusion as Hardy was a well known pessimistic writer
"from the wound his life's blood was spouting in a stream, and falling with a hiss into the road" Brutal imagery
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