Peace and Conflict


GCSE RP Flashcards on Peace and Conflict, created by rjstafford54 on 09/05/2013.
Flashcards by rjstafford54, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rjstafford54 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Conflict resolution Bringing a fight or struggle to a peaceful conclusion
The United Nations An international body set up to promote world peace and co-operation
World peace The ending of war throughout the whole world (the basic aim of the United Nations)
Aggression Attacking without being provoked
Exploitation Taking advantage of a weaker group.
Just war A war that is fought for the right reasons and in a right way
Pacifism The belief that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means
Weapons of mass destruction Weapons which can destroy large areas and numbers of people
Bullying Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself
Respect Treating a person or their feelings with consideration
Forgiveness Stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning them for what they have done wrong
Reconciliation Bringing together people who were opposed to each other.
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