Flashcards For Health And Social Care Unit 1


Flashcards on Flashcards For Health And Social Care Unit 1, created by Adnan M on 29/04/2014.
Adnan M
Flashcards by Adnan M, updated more than 1 year ago
Adnan M
Created by Adnan M about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Self-concept A person's view of themselves or how a person perceives themselves of "who they are". It can also be defined as a combination of Self-Image and Self-esteem which together produces personal identity.
Self-Esteem The Sense of worth or value that a person has regarding themselves, their skills and abilities.
Care Value Base The range of care values that a care practitioner applies in their work, the values are based on the beliefs regarding the correct ways a patient should be treated.
Ego Identity According to Erikson, Ego Identity is the conscious sense of self that a person develops through social interaction. Erikson also said that a person's Ego Identity is constantly changing due to new experiences and information that a person gains every time they interact with a person.
Ego Quality/Ego Strength This is also referred to as a sense of mastery a person experiences when they complete a stage
How Does Conflict Affect Development? Erikson says that Conflict serves as a turning for a person's development either in a positive or negative way.
What are the conflicts, in Erikson's theory, centred around? Conflicts are centred a round developing a psychological quality or failing to develop a particular psychological quality.
What is Hope, in Erikson's theory and how is it created? Hope, according to Erikson, is an openness to experience new things tempered by some wariness that danger may be present. Hope is created when they develop a balance between trust and doubt.
What is Will, according to Erikson's theory? Will, erikson believed that, was the belief that a child can act with intention, within reason and limits. Will can only be developed by a child if have a balance between autonomy, shame and doubt.
Ego Quality: Purpose Purpose is an ego quality which is achieved when a person develops an ideal balance between individual initiative and a willingness to work with others.
Ego Quality: Competence Competence is a belief that a person is able to use their abilities to be able to handle the tasks that have been set before them. This is achieved by a child developing a sense of pride in what they have accomplished and pride in their abilities. It is also achieved when a child is encouraged or commended by their teachers and parents.
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