Topic C- Animal Evolution


Biology Flashcards on Topic C- Animal Evolution, created by KatyWright on 30/04/2014.
Flashcards by KatyWright, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KatyWright over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the genus and species name of the black rat? Rattus
What is the name for this method of naming organisms? Classification
Why is this method more useful than for example just using the English name? Classification can show both evolutionary and ecological relationships. The names are also said in Latin so the names are known internationally.
Describe two differences between mammals and fish? Mammals are warm blooded and Fish are cold blooded. Mammals also give birth but Fish lay eggs.
What is the definition of a species? a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
What is natural selection? When an organism that is best suited to its environment survives and others that are not as well suited die. "The survival of the fittest"
What controls adaptations? Adaptation to extremes encompasses all the special behaviours and physiologies that living things need to withstand the planet's harshest conditions and environments.
What is unusual about an extremophile? Extremophiles: animals that survive some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth, and sometimes even further (which is unusual).
The sludge worm is used as an indicator species – what does it mean if there are lots of these organisms? That the water the organism is in is highly polluted.
Who introduced the theory of Natural Selection? Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century.
Over a long period of time what might natural selection produce? A fitter and more reproductively succesful group of organims that become more a common population. It will lead to evolution.
Why were people at the time hostile to this theory? Darwin’s theory conflicted with religious views that God had made all the animals and plants on Earth Darwin did not have enough evidence at the time to convince many scientists
What was the problem with Lamarck’s theory of evolution? Lamarck's theory cannot account for all the observations made about life on Earth. For instance, his theory implies that all organisms would gradually become complex, and simple organisms disappear
Why is whaling difficult to police International agreements protect whales but these are difficult to enforce. For example, some whale hunting still continues as research.
Describe how a conservation program could be set up so that they do not go extinct. Whale sanctuaries are proclaimed where they normally breed. Hunting is allowed for non-endangered whale species, so that the "need" to hunt blue whales is eliminated. Whale products are banned in many western countries, reducing the profitability for whale hunting.
List ways in which whales are useful when alive and dead. DEAD: Oil, Food, Clothing ALIVE: Maintain food chain and are good tourist attractions in some places.
17. Some historians suggest that combustion of coal may have damaged the habitat of the dodo (an extinct bird). Name the 2 types of pollution that combustion of coal causes and describe how an indicator species could be used to detect one of these types of pollution Carbon dioxide and Sulfur dioxide- Air pollutants dissolved in rainwater, especially sulfur dioxide, crusty lichens can survive in more polluted air.
Why is the grey squirrel causing the red squirrel to become endangered? Grey squirrels can live in a wider range of habitats, also grey squirrels carry a virus, which appears not to affect them, while it can kill reds.
What does the term ecological niche mean? describing the way of life of a species. Each species is thought to have a separate, unique niche.
Competition is one example of interdependence between organisms. Use examples to describe and explain one other types of interdependence either PARASITISM or MUTUALISM. Mutualism- is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits
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