Serious Assaults


Pre req Detective training programme Flashcards on Serious Assaults, created by Stephen Leonard on 20/03/2017.
Stephen Leonard
Flashcards by Stephen Leonard, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
James Forgie
Created by James Forgie over 8 years ago
Stephen Leonard
Copied by Stephen Leonard over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Wounding with Intent to Cause GBH S188(1) CA 61 14 Yrs 1.1 With intent to cause GBH 1.2 To anyone 1.3 Wounds OR Maims OR Disfigures OR Causes GBH 1.4 To any person
Wounding with intent to Injure S188(2) CA 61 7 Yrs 1.1 With intent to injure OR With reckless disregard for the safety of others 1.2 Wounds OR Maims OR Disfigures OR Causes GBH 1.3 To any person
Injuring with intent to Cause GBH S189(1) CA 61 10 Yrs 1.1 With intent to cause GBH 1.2 To any person 1.3 Injures 1.4 Any person
Injuring with intent to Injure S189(2) CA 61 5 Yrs 1.1 With intent to injure OR With reckless disregard for the safety of others 1.2 Injures 1.3 Any person
Aggravated Wounding S191(1)(a), or (b) or (c) CA 61 14 Yrs 1.1 With intent a) To commit OR facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence OR b) To avoid the detection of himself or any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence OR c) To avoid the arrest or facilitate the flight of himself or any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence 1.2 Wounds OR Maims OR Disfigures OR Causes GBH OR Stupefies OR Renders unconscious OR By any violent means renders incapable of resistance 1.3 Any person
Aggravated Injuring S191(2) CA 61 7 Yrs 1.1 With intent a) To commit OR facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence OR b) To avoid the detection of himself or any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence OR c) To avoid the arrest or facilitate the flight of himself or any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence 1.2 Injures 1.3 Any person
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