The Brain and the Nervous System


These QR cards are designed for revision and include functions of the brain and where different parts of the brain are located.
Callum Jarvis
Flashcards by Callum Jarvis, updated more than 1 year ago
Callum Jarvis
Created by Callum Jarvis over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many major parts of the brain are there? 3 - the forebrain, midbrain and the hindbrain.
Which part of the brain is the biggest? The forebrain is the largest part of the brain.
What does the cerebral cortex do/contain? The cerebral cortex - controls voluntary actions and where most of the neurones are found.
What does the limbic system do in the forebrain? It is involved in motivation, emotion, memory and learning.
Does the midbrain conduct nerve impulses? Yes, it conducts nerve impulses from the forebrain to the hindbrain and vice versa.
What is reticular formation? It is a set of interconnecting nuclei that controls consciousness and arousal.
Are neuron receptors located in the midbrain? Yes, the receptors between nerve cells which detect and pass on messages from one nerve to another.
What does the cerebellum do in the hindbrain? The cerebellum coordinates balance and muscular movement.
Are pons involved in the control of respiration or involuntary process? Pons are involved in the control of respiration.
Does the medulla involve involuntary process (respiration) or does it include the medulla oblongata? Both!
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