term 2 week 2


Flashcards on term 2 week 2, created by zaid omar on 07/05/2017.
zaid omar
Flashcards by zaid omar, updated more than 1 year ago
zaid omar
Created by zaid omar over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what happens to the 3 states of matter when they are heated it increases and it vibrates faster
what is melting when the heat cause a solid to change to a liquid
what is evaportion Is the process in which heat causes a liquid changes to a solid
what is another word for evaporation vapoistion
what is freezing its when it occurs when heat is lost and liquid changes to a liquid
what is freezing sometimes known as solidfication
what is condensation when gas losses heat and turn to a liquid
what is freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid a liquid changes to a solid
what is boiling Is a special case of evaporation
what happens when a substance is cooled It drops
what is frost is dew that has frozen overnight
what is steam is a water vapor
what are the 4 states of matter plasma,liquid,gas,solid
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