Intentional Communication Model


Flashcards to help remember the Intentional Communication Model
Natasha Stormes
Flashcards by Natasha Stormes, updated more than 1 year ago
Natasha Stormes
Created by Natasha Stormes almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Question 1: Why? Why communicate Define purpose for communication
Question 2: Who? Know your audience and know yourself
Question 3: Context? Define the context of the situation. Formal, casual, serious?
Question 4: Potentialities? (where and when - potential opportunities) When and where Look at all potential opportunities and evaluate which is best for the communication to happen.
Question 5: Resources? Identify resources needed to make the communication happen, such as scheduling a meeting, additional people, records, etc.
Question 5: Communication Channel? Identify most appropriate communication channel (eg. face to face, email, phone)
Apply/Implement carry out communication plan and observe the other party
Adjust/Refine Adjust as you go to ensure the other party hears your communication clearly. Evaluate and hear the other person. Adjust strategy if needed
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