Workplace negotiation practices w13


Dilek Senturk
Flashcards by Dilek Senturk, updated more than 1 year ago
Dilek Senturk
Created by Dilek Senturk over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
The nature of conflict • Leaner organisations • Competitive global environment • Changing internal organisational structures and mechanisms • Cultural and philosophical differences
Negative consequences of conflict Increased competition between parties hindering team cooperation Heightened emotions – anxiety, fear, irritation and frustration Breakdown in communication Exclusion of others Divergence from core issue Lack of flexibility Escalation of conflict
Positive consequences of conflict • Heightens awareness of issues among the parties • Catalyst for organisational change • Strengthens existing relationships • Heightens morale • Promotes awareness of self and others • Enhances personal development
Industrial Disputes/conflict • Where there is a threat of lost work time, disruptions and/or work bans. • Related to perceived or actual breaches of law, awards or agreements. • Resolution is formal and via a recognised tribunal or agency, using conciliation and arbitration third-party mechanisms.
Workplace conflict • Result of differences of opinion during bargaining phases. • Lower level than industrial disputes. • Do not generally involve the threat of lost time and/or bans. • Resolved internally with assistance of a third-party mediator or a workplace representative.
Mediation • The process whereby a third party helps the other parties in a conflict to achieve agreement by guiding them • Can assist the parties to repair relationships • Growing in popularity • International mediation • Mediation skills
Other alternative dispute resolution services • Process consultation: focus on procedures rather than emotions and ‘create a foundation for more productive dialogue’. • The Mediation Abacus (med-arb): a visual model which demonstrates the many different ways in which a conflict situation or hearing can be dealt with, and how the abacus ‘bead’ can be moved to adapt the service for all or some clients.
Negotiation • ‘Negotiation (or bargaining) involves the bringing together for examination, comparison and argument the opposing claims of employer(s) and employee(s).’ – p. 532 of the textbook • Aims to: –resolve or avert –produce mutually acceptable solution.
Negotiation skills Active listening Verbal communication Empathy Strong interpersonal skills Problem solving and conflict resolution Contractual knowledge and skills
Conflict management styles • Contending (competing, dominating or fighting) • Yielding (accommodating and obliging) • Inaction (avoidance) • Compromising • Problem solving (cooperative problem solving, collaborating or integrating)
Cross-cultural awareness • Western, individualistic view of conflict is not universal. • Cross-cultural conflict as a result of globalisation and the increase in communications across borders, both face-to- face and by utilising technology. • The need for cross-cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication skills for senior managerial staff.
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