Education Flashcards for Sociology AS


A Levels Sociology Flashcards on Education Flashcards for Sociology AS, created by luke_pearce94 on 20/05/2014.
Flashcards by luke_pearce94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by luke_pearce94 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cultural deprivation The theory that many working class and black children are inadequately socialised and therefore lack the 'right' culture needed for educational achievement.
Material deprivation A lack of basic necessities needed for educational deprivation such as not being able to afford pens, laptops, books, etc.
Cultural Capital The knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities that the middle class pass onto their children (Bourdieu).
Restricted Code A form of speech code typically associated with the working class. Limited vocabulary, grammatically simple sentences and speech is predictable (Bernstein).
Elaborated Code Typically used by the upper classes. Wider vocabulary, more complex and grammatically correct sentences and speech is more varied and can involve abstract ideas.
Labelling To label someone is to attach a meaning or definition to them. For example, a teacher may label a student as an underachiever.
Howard Becker (1971) Found that teachers judged pupils according to how closely they fitted an image of the ideal pupil.
Self-fulfilling prophecy The self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that comes true. Interactionists argue that labelling can affect pupil's achievement.
Pupil subculture A pupil subculture is a group of pupils who share similar values and behaviour.
Streaming Streaming involves separating children into different ability groups or classes called 'Streams'.
Funding Formula Gives a school the same amount of funds for each pupil.
Exam league tables Ranks each school according to its exam performance and make no allowance for the level of ability of its pupils.
Ethnocentric An attitude or policy that gives priority to the culture and viewpoint of one particular ethnic group while disregarding others.
External factors for differences in gender achievement 1. Impact of feminism 2. Changes in the family 3. Changes in women's employment 4. Girls' changing perceptions and ambitions
Internal factors for differences in gender achievement 1. Equal opportunities policies 2. Positive role models in schools 3. GCSE's/coursework 4. Teacher attention and classroom interaction
Meritocracy An educational or social system where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and where individuals' rewards and status are achieved by their own efforts.
Myth of Meritocracy Functionalists argue that the education system is meritocratic but Marxists Bowles and Gintis claim that meritocracy is an ideology legitimating inequality by falsely claiming that everyone has equal opportunities.
Tripartite system 1944 Education Act introduced the tripartite system. Grammar schools/Secondary moderns/Tertiary.
Comprehensive system 1965 onwards. Streaming and Labelling.
Marketisation 1988 Education Reform Act. 1. The reproduction of inequality 2. Exam league tables 3. Funding Formula 4.Myth of parentocracy
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