Command Line Utility cf Flashcards


Command line utility flashcards
Trey Brown
Flashcards by Trey Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Trey Brown
Created by Trey Brown almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Using the command line utility, how does one view organizations? cf orgs
Using the command line utility, how does one view routes? cf routes
What cf command is used to view spaces? cf spaces
Using the command line utility, how does one view a single organization, route or space? cf target [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]
Using the command line utility, how does one deploy an application? cf push APP_NAME
Using the command line utility, how does one select a space and/or organization to deploy to? TBD
Using the command line utility, how does one view logs? cf logs APP_NAME --recent
Using the command line utility, how does one start, stop or restart an application? cf push APP_NAME cf stop APP_NAME cf restart APP_NAME
What does cf target do and what information does it provide? TBD
What cf command is used to select a space and/or organization to deploy to? cf target [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]
What cf command is used to start an application? cf start APP_NAME
What cf command is used to login to the Cloud Controller? cf login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]
What cf command is used to view routes? cf routes
What cf command is used to deploy an application? cf push
What does cf target do? it sets or views the targeted org or space
What cf command is used to view a single organization? cf org ORG
What cf command is used to view organizations? cf orgs
What cf command is used to view logs? cf logs APP_NAME
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