Drugs to remember Pharm 3


drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs
Amelia Claire
Flashcards by Amelia Claire, updated more than 1 year ago
Amelia Claire
Created by Amelia Claire about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Tetrahydrocannabinol THC, compound from Cannabis psychotropic element partial agonist at CB1 in CNS and CB2 in immune system. The psychoactive effects of THC from activation of CBs; leads to decrease in the concentration of the second messenger molecule cAMP through inhibition of adenylate cyclase positive allosteric modulator of the μ- and δ-opioid receptors
endocannabinoids lipid mediators
Cannabidiol positive allosteric modulator of the μ- and δ-opioid receptors, producing analgesia ? anticonvulsant ? anti-inflammatory isomer of THC CB2
Cannabinol metabolite of THC CB2
Barbituates positive allosteric modualator of GABA increases the duration of opening time of the chloride channel reduces neuronal excitability and action potential frequency at the epileptic focus. (phenobarbital effects on Na+ and Ca+ channels may contribute to the anticonvulsant activity)
Temazepam benzodiazapine positive allosteric modulator of GABA benzodiazepines increase the frequency of the opening of the Chloride channel => increasing activity of GABA. increased Cl- permeability reduces electrical excitability.
Imidazopyradines GABAa agonist non-benzodiazepine
Flumazenil competitive antagonist at Benzo binding site on GABAa receptor
Ketamine dissociative anaesthesia in which the patient ay remain conscious but have good pain relief and short term amnesia. used recreationally for dissociative, hallucinogenic, and euphoriant properties NMDA type glutamate receptor ion channel blocker. NMDA receptor antagonist also interacts with muscarinic receptors, descending pain pathways, voltage-sensitive calcium channels and opioid receptors in brain and spinal cord. medically used to start and maintain anaesthesia
Dextromethorphan antitussive with sedating properties opioid derivative
Memantine novel class of drug to treat Alzheimer's disease ameliorates symptoms NMDA antagonist; open channel block of NMDA receptors; prevents Na+ and Ca2+ entry into the neurone, reducing glutamate excitotoxicity. may reduce glutamate induced neural-degradation "decrease noise"
Buspirone partial agonist at serotonin 5HT-1A receptor - acts presynaptically to inhibit firing of serotonergic neurons, particularly in the dorsal raphe nucleus. anxiolytic
Ondansetron 5HT-3 antagonist => central and peripheral 5HT3 blockade anti-emetic
Sumatriptan 5HT-1B/1D agonist antimigraine
clozapine 5HT -2/6/7 * (serotonin) antagonist
Selegiline Irreversibly inhibit monoamine oxidase type B (MAO‐B); they reduce breakdown of dopamine and may also block dopamine reuptake. - Parkinson's Disease potentiate action of endogenous dopamine and dopamine formed form administered levodopa MAO is in the neuron
Entacapone reversibly inhibits catechol-O‐methyltransferase (COMT), mainly in peripheral tissues; increases the amount of levodopa available to the brain and prolongs the clinical response to levodopa. synergises with antiparkinsonian effects of levodopa and potentiates the actions of catecholamines.
Propanolol .
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