Law Flash Cards


9th grade Commerce Flashcards on Law Flash Cards, created by Saharsh Joshi on 01/08/2017.
Saharsh Joshi
Flashcards by Saharsh Joshi, updated more than 1 year ago
Saharsh Joshi
Created by Saharsh Joshi about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Access Equal opportunity for all people to make use of the legal system.
Adversarial System System in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
Anarchy Disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws
Appeal An application for a legal decision to be reviewed in a higher court
Bail To release an accused person who is awaiting trial
Balance of probabilities The standard of proof in civil proof
beyond reasonable doubt The standard of proof required in a criminal trial
Commital Hearing A hearing in a local court to decide whether a case should go to trial
Common Law System of laws based on previous decision of judges and precedents (England)
Constituition A document that sets out how an organisation or country will be run
Court A place where people can solve legal disputes
Defendant The person who the trial is against
Discriminate To treat somebody less favourable due to certain characteristics
Double Dissolution Decision made by the head of the state to dissolve both houses of parliament
Indictable Offence A serious breach of the law that can lead to legal action
Judge A court official who has the power to make decisions that he/she thinks are for the benefit of the law about matters brought before the court
Jury A group of people (12 or 6) selected to hear the evidence in a cout case
Kinship Traditional rules that outline the corrects ways of living
Laws A set of legal rules that are generally followed by a large population
Magistrate A court official who hears the case at the lowest court of law
Military Law rules applicable to people in the armed forces
Plaintiff The party that commences the legal action (The ones sueing not being sued)
Precendent A previous ruling that serves as a rule for future decisions
Private Law Delas with disputes between private citizens
Prosecutor Brings legal action to criminals (All prosecutors are plaintiffs but not all plaintiffs are prosecutors)
OPublic law Deals with disputes that affect the entire community
Statute Laws Laws made by parliament
Sue To bring legal action to an entity for causing damage or injury
Tort A civil wrong
Trial A process to determine whether someone committed a criminal wrong
Rule of Law The restriction of abuses of power by subordinating it to an established set of laws
1. High Court 2. Supreme Court 3.District Court 4. Local Court
Law Functions 1. To establish boundaries 2. for protection 3. to provide freedom 4. to resolve disputes
Criminal Law Public part of legal system concerned with punishing offenders of the law
Civil Law A private part of law concerned with allowing individuals to bring legal action to a member of the public for a civil wrong done to them (stingjing them)
Common Law Laws we get from English, usually derived from churches
Statute Law Laws made by Parliament
Party that commences a civil legal action Plaintiff
actus reus Guilty Act
prima facie a fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved
mens rea guilty mind
causeation The relationship between conduct and result. e.g. actus reus & result
local court Deals with 0-100000 Magistrate only
district court deals with cases 100001-750000 Heard by Judge Hears appeals from lower court
supreme court Highest court in NSW Hears cases regarding >750000
high court wedfg
summary offence sdfg
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