Safety and Security


Safety and Security
sofia garrido
Mind Map by sofia garrido, updated more than 1 year ago
sofia garrido
Created by sofia garrido over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Safety and Security
  1. Hacking
    1. Gaining illegal access to a computer system.
      1. Effects of Risks
        1. Identity theft or personal information gain
          1. Deletion, changing or corruption of data.
        2. How to avoid it?
          1. Use Firewalls.
            1. Use strong passwords and usernames.
              1. Use anti-hacking software.
                1. Also change them frequently.
                2. Which is a piece of software placed between your computer and your network (LAN/WAN).
          2. Viruses
            1. A program which can replicate itself with the intent of deleting or corrupting files, or causing a computer to malfunction.
              1. Effects of Risks
                1. Delete or corrupt files.
                  1. Can cause your computer to malfunction, crash or be unresponsive
                  2. How to avoid it?
                    1. Use anti-virus software.
                      1. Do not use softwares from unknown sources.
                        1. Be cautious when opening emails or files from unknown senders.
                    2. Spyware
                      1. A software which gathers key presses on your keyboard which are the sent to the originator.
                        1. Effects of Risk
                          1. The originator has acces to anything typed on your keyboard.
                            1. The software is able to install other spyware, read cookies and change your default web browser.
                          2. How to avoid it?
                            1. Use anti-spyware software.
                              1. Use an on-screen keyboard when typing private or important information.
                                1. Be alert and look for clues to see if your keyboard is being monitored.
                        2. Wardriving
                          1. Locating and using Wi-Fi illegally.
                            1. A device (laptop, phone), a wireless network card and an antenna are used to pick up signals.
                              1. Effects of Risk
                                1. It is possible to hack into the Wi-Fi and steal private information.
                                  1. You internet time or allocation is used up if the culprit downloads large files.
                                  2. How to avoid it?
                                    1. Use WEP encryption.
                                      1. Use Firewalls to prevent outsiders from getting access.
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