Brazil´s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify


Mind Map on Brazil´s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify, created by Rafaela Gauer Viana on 27/09/2017.
Rafaela  Gauer Viana
Mind Map by Rafaela Gauer Viana, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafaela  Gauer Viana
Created by Rafaela Gauer Viana over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Brazil´s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify
  1. It is wrong, because they are deforesting the Amazon or it is against the principle of preserving the environment. And if this law is approved it will cause a great damage to the environment.
    1. Ok, but we have all the rest of the Amazona yet, do you really think it will change too much our enviroment? Stay to thinkhow much better our economy would be with this new law?
      1. Which law will be appoved? Why do you think that deforesting the Amazon will result a damage?
        1. What are the damages that this law caused in the environment?
          1. What kinds of prejudice do you think law will cause to the world?
            1. What would you do to avoiid this?
              1. But you do not think will be good for the economy of the coutry?
                1. How con you be so sure of that? The damages con strengthen.
                  1. But it would no help the economy?
                    1. If this law is approved, why do you think will cause a damage to the environment?
                      1. And why does it cause great harm to the environment?
                      2. No, the politics of brazilis in increasingly deaplorable and if this law is approved we will be talking about a crime not only against nature and the world, but against ourselves.
                        1. And what do you think about the increase of the economy with this deforestation?
                          1. Would it really be a crime to de-part a part of it? Could she not have it all back with only one part?
                            1. How con this law be a crime to ourselves?
                              1. Well, i understand you, it makes sence but don´t you think that it´s important to our economy this part of the jungle?
                                1. And what do you think about the increase of the economy with this deforestation? Is not that important to you?
                                  1. How is it going to be a crime against ourselves?
                                  2. The duty of Brazil´s environmental policy is to defend the brazilian flora and fauna, allow the deforestation of an area so big is totally wrong, showing that the brazilian environmental policy is not fulfilling your role . The Amazon forest is the largest forest in the world, deforestation is the equivalent to the size of Denmark would affect the climate worldwide, so i consider the preservation of the Amazon as something of world interest, alaw with the propostal to clear something a valuable as thing forest cannot be approved.
                                    1. What if this money is well used?
                                      1. How would deforestation change the climate of the world?
                                      2. No; because they will be attacking, assauting the biodiversity, assaulting our health. I hope that they understand what they´re doing, really, since what they are doing can change the world and not a good thing, bud for a bad thing.
                                        1. Why do you consider one thing wrong?
                                          1. How would they change the world?
                                          2. No. Because the area is home to 306,000 indigenus and about a hundred isolated peoples.
                                            1. Is it just because of indigenous and isolated people? Dont you care about the animals and the flora?
                                              1. Do you really think they are going to have no place to live? Look to me, i´m staying Novo Hamburgo
                                                1. These indiginous peoples could not move to another place?
                                                  1. To live in another place? And the vegetacion, flora and fauna? Are you sure that only indians would be affected?
                                                    1. But is that why the Amazon is important?
                                                    2. Yes, because when the consequences of deforestation arise people maybe they realise that if they continue like that humanity is going to be an extinct species.
                                                      1. but can not by planting trees in other places to replanish?
                                                        1. Maybe, if the government spends money on it, but that´s probably not going to happen.
                                                        2. What are concequences axactly?
                                                          1. The concequences of this degradation in the Amazon can lead to the exitinction of expecies of animals and plants, causes serius imbalance in the ecosystem, contributes to increased polluition and leads to erosion of the soil, which becomes unprotected by cutting trees.
                                                          2. But why is it necessary to deforest to discover that this is going to happen? The obious what is going to happen, do not need to commit this error.
                                                            1. If the human beig were more sensible, this project would not even have reached the camera, but since they intend to do this, let us charge with the consequences.
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