
Mind Map on HERPESVIRIDAE, created by Juan Eduardo Guerrero Campos on 08/12/2017.
Juan Eduardo  Guerrero Campos
Mind Map by Juan Eduardo Guerrero Campos , updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Eduardo  Guerrero Campos
Created by Juan Eduardo Guerrero Campos almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Familia herpesviridae
    1. Alfaherpesvirinae
      1. Herpesvirus 1= herpes simplex 1
        1. Herpesvirus 2= herpes simple 2
          1. Herpesvirus 3= varicela zoster
          2. Betaherpesvirinae
            1. Herpesvirus 5= Citomegalovirus
              1. Gerpes virus 6=Herpesvirus linfotropo
                1. Herpes virus 7= Herpesvirus linfotropo
                2. Gammaherpesvirinae
                  1. Herpesvirus 4= Epstein/Barr virus
                    1. Herpesvirus 8= Virus relacionado con sarcoma de Kaopsi
                  2. Cracterísticas virales
                    1. 150 a 200 nm
                      1. Simetria icosaedrica
                        1. Genoma con ADN
                          1. Capside de 162 capsomeros
                            1. Envoltura que contiene glucoproteina
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