
Maria Fernanda O8978
Mind Map by Maria Fernanda O8978, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Fernanda O8978
Created by Maria Fernanda O8978 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. NOUNS
    1. Are word that designate things, people, animals or places.
        1. IN PLURAL
          1. Add ES when the name finish in O, S, SH, CH, or X.
              1. Add IES when the words finish in Y
                1. EXCEPT
          2. ADJECTIVES
            1. Is a quality that is assigned to the noun. First write the adjective and then the noun.
              1. EXAMPLE
                1. Adjective comparative: Add ER to the adjective
                    1. EXCEPT: Except: Long adjectives, add more before adjective
                      1. Bill is more intelligent than John
                  1. Adjective Superlative: Add EST to the adjective
                      1. Except: Long adjectives, add most before adjective
                        1. He is the most intelligent man in the team
                2. ADVERBS
                  1. Is the part of speech that modifies the meaning of the verb or other word.
                    1. Example: I read a book sometimes
                      1. Also, add Ly to every adjective.
                        1. Example: She runs rapidly
                        2. It may to be Mode- How? Well, better, fast, slowly, carefully, easily … Of place- Where? Here, there, above, everywhere, away… Time- When? Now, early, late, soon, already, tomorrow,
                        3. WH QUESTION
                          1. These types of questions are used to find out information about people, things, places, time, manner, etc.
                            1. WHAT: Things
                              1. What is your name?
                              2. WHEN: Periods of time
                                1. When is your birthday?
                                2. WHERE: Places
                                  1. Where do you live?
                                  2. WHICH: Things
                                    1. Which movie do you want to see?
                                    2. WHY: Reasons
                                      1. Why do you study Nursing?
                                      2. WHO: People
                                        1. Who do you live with?
                                        2. HOW: Manner
                                          1. How are you?
                                        3. CONJUCTIONS
                                          1. Is a part of speech that links two or more words or sentences.
                                            1. Coordinating conjunctions
                                              1. This type of conjunction is used when we want to link two phrases that have the same value. Always go between phrases or words.
                                                1. Example: She likes to sing and dance
                                              2. Subordinating conjunctions
                                                1. This conjunction is used when one of the phrases depends on the other. They are ahead of the subordinate clause
                                                  1. Example: They went to the beach although it was raining.
                                              3. VERBS
                                                1. Is a word that indicates the action in the sentence.
                                                  1. REGULAR
                                                    1. Play- Played- Played
                                                    2. IRREGULAR
                                                      1. Become-Became- Become
                                                      2. INFINITIVE
                                                        1. To speak
                                                        2. Continuous
                                                          1. Swimming, playing, eating, etc.
                                                          2. Past participle
                                                            1. I have given an embrace
                                                          3. PREPOSITIONS
                                                            1. Is a word that relates the elements of a sentence. Prepositions may indicate source, origin, destination, direction, location, medium, point, reason, etc.
                                                                1. EXAMPLE
                                                                  1. Before you Besides us Inside the box - Behind me
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