

Mind Map on London, created by Manuel Mosquera Plou on 06/05/2018.
Manuel Mosquera Plou
Mind Map by Manuel Mosquera Plou, updated more than 1 year ago
Manuel Mosquera Plou
Created by Manuel Mosquera Plou over 6 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Famous buildings
      1. Small central area
        1. Churches
          1. Saint Paul's Cathedral
            1. Rebuilt after being destroyed by fire in year 1665
            2. Westminster Abbey
              1. Many famous people are buried
        2. Population very cosmopolitan
          1. South Asian,Chinese,African and Caribeean people
            1. British Commonwealth of Nations
          2. Very old city
            1. Neighborhoods mantain their distinct character
            2. Houses of Parliament
              1. Central London
                1. Big Ben
                2. Tower of London
                  1. Used as a prison
                    1. Now a popular tourist attraction
                    2. First in reach 1 million people
                      1. Modern world
                      2. Buckinham Pallace
                        1. Opened to public view during the 1990's
                        2. Contains about 12 million people
                          1. The surrounding areas
                            1. Several million more
                          2. One of the most famous cities
                            1. World
                            2. Vibrant and busy city
                              1. Previous centuries
                                1. Centre of the British Empire
                                2. One of the most important cities
                                  1. European Union
                                  2. Location
                                    1. Southeastern England
                                      1. Thames River
                                    2. One of the most famous parts
                                      1. East End
                                        1. Peopls speak"Cockney"
                                          1. The letter"h"is often not pronounced
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