
In this mind map you will find what morphology is and its object of study, which will allow you to understand a very important part of linguistics
Lina Gonzalez
Mind Map by Lina Gonzalez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by alvarez.luzgabri over 9 years ago
Lina Gonzalez
Copied by Lina Gonzalez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Mental system involved in the word formation Ways to form new words
    1. Derivation: Builds new words by adding morphemes to roots by affixation
      1. Prefixes
        1. eg. English prepositions and adverbials
          1. re-
        2. Suffixes
          1. Suffixes forming nouns
            1. -or
            2. Suffixes forming verbs
              1. -ise
              2. Suffixes forming adjectives
                1. -less
                2. Suffixes forming adjectives
                  1. -wise
                3. Infixes
                  1. Circumfixes
                    1. Root
                      1. The core of the word to which other pieces attach
                    2. Compounding: Putting two words together to build a new one
                      1. Compound verbs
                        1. to daydream
                        2. Compound adverbs
                          1. nowadays
                          2. Compound adjectives
                            1. short-sighted
                            2. Compound nouns
                              1. earphones
                            3. Abbreviations or Clipping : Cutting off the beginning or end of a word
                              1. Blending: fusion of two words in one
                                1. Acronyms: Words derived from the initials of serveral words
                                  1. Initialism: Pronounced as a sequece of letters
                                    1. Borrowing: borrow words from foreign languages
                                      1. Neologism:Entirely new words
                                        1. Onomatopoeia: Words which name is associated to their sound
                                        2. Studies the internal structure of words
                                          1. Word: The smallest independent unit of language
                                            1. Badly
                                            2. Morpheme: The smallest linguistic piece with a grammatical function
                                              1. Free morphemes
                                                1. Bad
                                                2. Bound morphemes
                                                  1. ly
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