Subclavian Artery


Mind Map on Subclavian Artery, created by cariitosuarez on 04/08/2013.
Mind Map by cariitosuarez, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cariitosuarez over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Subclavian Artery
  1. Origin
    1. the right brachiocephalic arterial trunk arises at the level of the right sternoclavicular joint, the left aortic arch Direct born inside the chest
    2. Divided Into
      1. Left subclavian artery
        1. Thoracic portion:
          1. Da branches that supply the thoracic structures (only the left subclavian artery).
          2. Pre-escalénica portion:
            1. The subclavian artery and vein are separated, leaving the vein in the ventral anterior scalene muscle and the artery behind
              1. Divided Into
                1. On its way intrathoracic
                  1. (1) Ahead: the left common carotid artery and vagus nerve. (2) Behind: the bodies of the cervical vertebrae. (3) Inside: the esophagus, trachea, left, and the thoracic duct. (4) Outside: the pleura and lung
                  2. At the base of the neck
                    1. (1) Ahead:With the subclavian vein and innominate vein, strap muscles sternoclavicular joint (2) Behind: with the recurrent laryngeal nerve, pleural dome and suspensory ligaments, vertebropleurocostal (3) Below: with intrathoracic fascia, the handle subclavian and phrenic nerve anastomosis with the inferior cervical ganglion. (4) Above: with the thoracic duct
              2. Right subclavian artery
                1. Interscalene portion:
                  1. Deep to the anterior scalene, both are related
                    1. (1) Ahead: the anterior scalene muscle. (2) Behind: the brachial plexus. (3) Below: with the first rib. (4) Above: with brachial plexus
                    2. Post-escalénica Portion
                      1. (1) Inside: with the first fingering serratus anterior muscle. (2) Outside: the clavicle and the subclavian muscle. (3) Behind: the brachial plexus
                    3. Collateral Branches:
                      1. Vertebral artery:
                        1. spinal, muscular, meningeal, posterior spinal artery, anterior spinal artery, posterior inferior cerebellar artery
                        2. Trunk costocervical
                          1. superior intercostal artery, deep cervical artery
                          2. Trunk thyrocervical
                            1. Thyroid Artery lower Suprascapular artery, transverse cervical artery
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