The Woods family


Favorite activitis
Marcos Quiñones
Mind Map by Marcos Quiñones, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcos Quiñones
Created by Marcos Quiñones over 5 years ago

Resource summary

The Woods family
  1. favorito foods
    1. *pizza *sushi *spaghetti *chicken *pancakes *ice cream
    2. fun activities
      1. *books *online *sports
      2. ME name:MARCOS age: 12 years interests : videogame
        1. MOM name: blanca age :50 years interests: cook
          1. DAD name: marco ave:52 years interests: model cars
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            'The Merchant of Venice' - William Shakespeare
            Cold War (1945-1975)
            Lord of the Flies Quotes
            Prueba de Aptitud Académica - Lenguaje
            Teresa Nadal
            GCSE History: The 2014 Source Paper
            James McConnell
            Circle Theorems
            I Turner
            Enzymes and Respiration
            I Turner
            Biology AS Level UNIT 1
            Valentin Andrei
            GCSE AQA Biology 2 Cells & Diffusion
            Lilac Potato
            Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
            Alina A
            New GCSE Maths required formulae
            Sarah Egan