Past Simple: Question formation


This Mind Map summarizes the formation of questions in the past simple of regular and irregular verbs
Andrés Quevedo
Mind Map by Andrés Quevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrés Quevedo
Created by Andrés Quevedo over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Past Simple: Question formation
  1. Use
    1. Asking about actions or events that started and finished in the past
      1. Examples
        1. Did you hear what she said?
          1. Where did you go on holiday last year?
      2. Wh- question
        1. How
          1. What
            1. When
              1. Where
                1. Who
                  1. Why
          2. Wh- question word + did/didn't + subject + infinitive
            1. Examples
              1. When did you buy that car?
                1. Why didn't you go to Susanne's party last week?
            2. Normal questions
              1. Did/didn't + subject + infinitive
                1. Examples
                  1. Didn't you say you don't like hicken?
                    1. Did you know anything about the French Revolution before you read that text?
                  2. Time expressions
                    1. Yesterday
                      1. The day before yesterday
                        1. In 2006, in May...
                          1. When I was...
                            1. Last night/year/month/week/Sunday
                              1. A week/ few days/month/year ago
                                1. That day/night/week/month, etc.
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